Friday, November 30, 2018

To Stefan ... Molyneux

Dear Stefan. If I said, "Nuff said", would you know what I was talking about? I assume you were a reader of Laura Tweets and you should know she used that phrase on a Sunday which would be a trending hastag on the following Monday when the world learned Stan Lee had died. (I did get a screen shot of if with the Sunday date circled in red in case you'd like to see.) I mean for crying out loud, doesn't that strike you as a little odd? It's the little things. A bunch of little things together. Right? Or how about her indifference to the Uygurs, the Chinese Muslim minority being put into detention camps?

Seems to me a Jewish woman wouldn't want to see anybody put into detention camps. Did you read that Tweet, right? Boy if I did a YouTube video where I interviewed Laura I'd sure ask her about her Tweet stating that America should only worry about what's happening in our own county. And you could ask her where she got the idea of presenting her name as LOOmer. You might be surprised. Really this is not just about me. Of course not. A professional martyr with a moan in her voice? Oldest trick in the book, Stefan.

@AlexTamsula on Twitter.

You Can Trust Your Car To The Girl Who Wears The Star.

Oct. 25, Laura Loomer gets asked to leave a synagogue in Plantation Florida. Oct. 26, Cesar Sayoc the mad almost bomber is arrested in ... Plantation Florida! I Tweeted about this all over the place. Like David Seamen trying to order a pizza, I'm screaming about Laura most of the day over this, saying something is not right here. Oct. 27 Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, 11 shot dead in ... a synagogue! As a prodigious critic of Laura Loomer on Twitter, imagine my surprise.

Squirrel Hill is a Pittsburgh neighborhood I've been going to mostly everyday since 1980, The Historical Center of Jewish life in Pittsburgh, and before I moved to Pittsburgh, Squirrel Hill was a place I went to all the time since my mother's family lived in the next neighborhood over, Greenfield. I'm trying to calculate the odds all of this happening in a three day period and honestly, I can't count that high. Now let's back this up a bit. When it comes to alternative media and especially YouTubers doing analysis of The Las Vegas shooting, Laura's name comes up quite a bit. Here's what I'm seeing: Las Vegas, Plantation, Plantation, Squirrel Hill, then The Thousand Oaks bar shooting which came ... 11 days later. And some of the survivors of the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting were in that Thousand Oaks bar. If I'm looking at some Deep State slime trail, it does seem to come full circle doesn't it? And it would've been 11 dead again if not for the Sheriff sergeant's friendly fire death. And the Nazi mandated star Laura wore when she handcuffed herself to the door of Twitter HQ in New York? A Jew wouldn't do that. I've been talking about this for over a month and since nobody in Alt-Media has the guts to address my concerns, I've come to the conclusion that Alt Media is a money grubbing fraud. @AlexTamsula on Twitter.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Human Nature Channel No. 5 Twitter Vids: The AOL Conspiracy Theory Message Board #RedPillBill

Hey.  Welcome to the Human Nature Channel.  I’m your host Alex Tamsula and … what am I doing here?

Well what I’m doing here today is introducing a new series of videos exclusively for Twitter called 512 MB with Alex or 2:20 seconds, which ever comes first.  These videos will eventually appear on my YouTube Channel The Human Nature Channel but you’ll see them here first.

I’m going to talk briefly about the term Conspiracy Theory.  Since the 2016 Presidential election you hear the term Conspiracy Theory mentioned on news shows all the time.  Today if you’re a Conspiracy Theorists they practically accuse you of showering with Vladimir Putin.  But it wasn’t always like that.

Once upon a time being a Conspiracy Theorist was simply … a life style choice.  They humored us.  Do you remember that Mel Gibson Conspiracy Theory, which dips into MK Ultra.  (Real Conspiracy Theorists know what that is).  Jerry, Mel’s character, even joked about Oliver Stone, Mr. Conspiracy Theory himself with his movie about the JFK assassination, appropriately titled JFK.

My evidence that being a Conspiracy Theorist at one time was no big deal is the Message Boards on AOL.  Now Message Boards were discontinued by AOL in 2009, but in 2002 there were Message boards on every subject you could imagine.  News, Sports, Pets, Cooking, Gardening, even a message boards for Star Wars fans.  A lot of different interests were covered.

In 2003 somebody sent me an email and invited me over to AOl’s Conspiracy Theory message board.  I’m somebody who had been reading books on The JFK assassination since I was 11 old.  I said to myself, “Home Sweet Home.”   

Here’s the punch line – the people on Conspiracy Theory message board never talked about Conspiracy Theories … ever!  All the stuff that could’ve been brought up, possible assassination of Gen. George S. Patton, the JFK assassination of JFK, the MLK assassination of MLK, the RFK assassination.  It’s not like we didn’t have plenty of topics to pick from.  Not even 9/11 as a false flag event.  It was just pro George W. Bush people vs anti George W. Bush.  That was it … for years.  Keep in mind the lore of Conspiracy Theory World is vast.  It touches on so many subjects.  But these people just wanted to argue about Dubya and The Iraq war all the time.

A Conspiracy Theory message board where never once did anybody there ever talk about any Conspiracy Theory or even use the phrase.  Does that sound right to you?

Hey.  Welcome to the Human Nature Channel.  I’m your host Alex Tamsula and what am I doing here?  Well what I’m doing here today is another 2:20 seconds with Alex on Twitter, the part 2 of my reminiscence about time spent on the AOL Conspiracy Theory Message board.

Like I said in my previous video, the Conspiracy Theory message board on AOL was a place where never once did anybody there ever talk about any Conspiracy Theory or even use the phrase.  All people wanted to do was argue about whether The US military going into Iraq back in 2003 was a good idea or a bad one. 

Now this just occurred to me recently - any college study, any class time spent in Political Science, like I went through, will be the establishmentarian point of view.  What else are you going to get?  Political Science doesn’t concern itself with, a far as I can tell, the corrupt side of governance, which for your information is what Conspiracy Theory and The Truth movement are really all about.

But The Iraq War was topic No. 1.  And hey … of course I think I’m Kissinger.  You want to argue something political? I’m you’re boy, and I argued the establishmentarian point of view.

Somebody would post, “Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11.”  To which I would respond, “Well, if you’re going to roll up the international terrorist network, you’ve got to start somewhere.”  And posts in response to that would say something to the effect, “Arg arg arg Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11.”  And I would answer, “Well you know, The Clinton administration designated Saddam’s regime as a State Sponsor of Terror.”  And the responses I’d get back were, “Arg arg arg Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11.” 

Then I’d say, “There is a story I heard repeated by R. James Woolsey Jr., Bill Clinton’s first CIA director, that The Salman Pak Military facility 15 miles S of Baghad had a disabled 707 on the tarmac that was used for training foreign terrorists in air plane highjacking.  And the terrorist had practiced with boxcutters.”  The immediate response I got was, “That story’s been debunked!”  “By whom?” I wanted to know.  “The Iraqi Government” was the answer I got.  (Laughter.)


Welcome to the Human Nature Channel.  I’m your host Alex Tamsula and what am I doing here?  Well what I’m doing today is another 2:20 seconds with Alex, the third part of my reminiscence about time spent on the AOL Conspiracy Theory Message board.

When it comes to content creators nowadays, specifically people who do political commentary on YouTube and Twitter, probably the number one concern in the back of everybody’s mind is getting ‘deplatformed’.  It is such a new issue my spell check doesn’t even recognized the word without putting a redline under it, which should tell you something. 

This is quite new, because for as long as I can remember I was taught that one of the foundations of our Constitutional Republic is Freedom of Speech.  I’d like somebody to explain how we square that with Alex Jones getting kicked off of YouTube and Twitter, and Rodger Stone getting kicked of Twitter, and even the actor James Woods having his Twitter account deactivated.  I guess it come down to what you mean by … free.    

The issue has become front and center since the 2016 Presidential election with the rise of the term ‘fake news’ and how it’s so awful.  I was jotting down some thoughts for this very video on Monday when something gave me a different opening.  I was given a suspension on Twitter, which means for the next 24 hours only my 24 follower could see my Tweets, over a Tweet someone thought was offensive, and it had to be that one that disappeared. 

On Oct. 1, the one-year anniversary of the Las Vegas shooting I posted a video of ZZ Top doing Viva Las Vegas, the old Elvis tune, and I said, “Hey ISIS, eat this.” Don’t forget, ISIS took credit for The Vegas shooting so I was well within my rights calling them out.  Whether ISIS was behind it, whether Stephen Paddock acted alone, I don’t know.  Personally, I think the Paddock story stinks for many reasons, one of being his room looked a gun show where buyers were expected to drop by.  But that’s just me. 

This is Twitter where apparently there is a difference between playing Viva Las Vegas as opposed to posting the hash tag Vegas Strong.  I don’t know what that is.  Maybe bulling ISIS is a violation of Terms Of Service.  You tell me.

What does this have to do with The AOL Conspiracy Theory Message Board?  I got kicked off of AOL temporarily too to stuff I said.  More on that in the next video.     


Welcome to the Human Nature Channel.  I’m your host Alex Tamsula and what am I doing here?  What I’m doing is another 2:20 seconds with Alex, part four of my reminiscence about time spent on the AOL Conspiracy Theory Message board.

When last we met, I mentioned I had been given temporary suspensions from AOL over message board comments.  Like Twitter there are Terms of Service, and there were unseen moderators who enforce the rules.  Sometimes when they made posts vanish they seemed as arbitrary as anything you see on Twitter.  Come to think of it, the moderators might be the reason The Conspiracy Theory Message board never had any posts about … conspiracies.   

Most posters there were decidedly left-wing.  I’d say 70% of them were progressives.  One guy I was always going up against had the screen name Jeff2friends, a big Howard Dean supporter, and he was pretty typical – bait the other 30%. 

I learned you’re not supposed to call a lying idiot a lying idiot.  One time I went to the Star Wars Message board calling them a bunch of retards.  That suspension I deserved, but so what?  Suspensions were overcome by simply logging in again.  AOL is a paid subscription service.  Ban somebody and make them take their money elsewhere?  Are you nuts?

James Evans Pilato at MediaMonarch dot com once said that if the service is free, you’re the product.  (Mr. Pilato does great work.  Follow him on Twitter).  I agree you are the product if the service is free, but I’ve seen it from

the other side.  There’s much difference between The Message boards of yore and what’s going on at Twitter, except the permanent ban.  No small thing but the common denominator? 

It’s still corporatism.  Ultimately corporatism is against Freedom of Speech because you might say something that tanks their stock.

One time I got kicked off because I asked Jeff2friends if he was Jeff Rense.  Do you know who that is?  One of the original Alt Right obviously pro-Nazoid radio guys, who also made good use of internet pod casts.  After I got the boot I was informed it violates terms of service to ask the identity of someone behind a screen name.  Privacy you understand.  When I got back online Jeff2friends answered me.  “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not.”  On top of everything else the Deaniac gets cute.

Ask me who I am behind my screen name and I’ll tell you.  I’m your worst nightmare.


Welcome to the human nature channel.  I’m you’re host Alex Tamsula what am I doing here?

What I’m doing is a bonus video to my four-part Twitter series, 2 Minutes And 20 Seconds with Alex, which covered my days on The AOL Conspiracy Theory Message board.  And what I have here is a post from Jeff2frndz, his open letter to Al Qaeda.  Get a load of this.

Subject: Re: An open letter to Al Qaeda
Date: 8/30/2003 12:44 Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jeff2Frndz

Dear Al;

I do not know you, but it has been brought to my attention that you are reading this, so I will write this to you
here, since you failed to leave a forwarding address.  While I find your attacks on a US man-of-war to be totally without merit, and the deaths of those sailors that died in this attack to be on your heads, I also think that this is ultimately between you and Allah. It's your karma.
However, the campaign to make you this century's "Soviet Communist" is something that many people here are not buying into. WE know that your leader denied culpability, and given the track-record of "proof" offered by your accusers, we are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt in this -- provided that you also lay off the inverse -- calling us liars and killers and give us time. You see, there are many that want to see the attacks on entire populations based on the questionable actions of a few stopped -- ours against you as well as yours against ours. Give us just a little time, and we will get rid of the threat to peace that threatens the entire world. I am talking, of course, of the Bush regime.

You see, Al, these people do not speak for all Americans.  They do not even speak for the MAJORITY of Americans. The coup d'état performed by this band is starting to become generally known and loathed, and as you can see from reading this massage board (which we have all been assured you do) that only a couple out of the many actually support the current regime and want to see it left in power.
So please, give us a little time, and we will be leaving you alone, and not trying to force on you the government you do not want. If you want to set up a theocracy in YOUR own nation, that should be your choice, as bad as that will turn out to be for you (and the rest of the world too, but the rest of the world has no business telling YOU what to do in your own native lands than it does telling us).
Take care, and after we get this regime out of power, and cooler heads prevail, perhaps we can all meet at the bar that we are told you frequent for information and have a few?

Signed, Your Anti-NeoCon

This letter was a result of my saying in a message board post to Jeff2frndz that I had seen a Google picture of Ayman al Zawahiri, Al Qaeda’s no. 2, reading a copy of The New York Times, a picture you can no longer find on line anymore.  Believe me I’ve tried.  I said it’s obvious Zawahiri could at least read English, so it’s reasonable to assume that terrorists could read message boards.  In this letter Jeff seems to be saying in his uber sarcastic way that, ‘Why would terrorists be interested in social media?’

Like Bugs Bunny used to say, “What a maroon.”

 If you want to argue this point or any other please feel free to say something incredibly stupid in the comments section below, and I’ll get back to crush your mind as soon as possible.  Plus everybody gets a like no matter what.

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