Thursday, July 18, 2019

No. 28 The Las Vegas Shooting: Stephen With A PH #RedPillBill

Welcome, to The Human Nature Channel.  I’m you’re host Alex Tamsula and … what … am I doing here?  Well it’s Wednesday morning at my Dad’s open all night farm garage.  There is always something interesting in here.  What can I show you tonight?

I think I have got everything I need.

I have my pointer with a magnet on it.  I wouldn’t be the magnetic paper clip picker without it.  Hi George.

So, we’re all set.  Let’s start out with some Las Vegas Shooting Truth Community News.  A lot can happen in a week’s time and there are some things I’d like to cover.  By reporting on The Las Vegas Shooting Truth Community, I want the world know what’s going on with us.  Who is putting out fresh ideas, like Paddock was actually alive on the floor, covered in fake blood and playing possum for the camera? 

That’s probably not the case, but on the other hand, how can we be 100% sure it isn’t?  It’s right out of that old movie F/X, about Hollywood production people working for The Feds, staging fake deaths scenes to fool the mobsters so witnesses can disappear into witness protection.  Oh, and another thing.  The movie Show Dogs, which was released in 2018?  It began filming on November 28, 2016 at Pinewood Studios Wales in Great Britain.  Shooting took place in Las Vegas, pun not intended. 

In the movie there is a shot where you see Mandalay Bay in the background, probably filmed before The Harvest Festival Massacre.  Predictive programing, anybody?  You’ve got to understand something about me.  I’ve been giving Hollywood and its masters of illusion the hairy eye-ball since 9/11.  I have my reasons, and that’s all I’ll say for the time being.   

Anyway, getting back to The Las Vegas Truth Community, I want to mention John Cullen.  The last couple videos of his I watched looked like he was just recycling old stuff.  Flashing lights in the sky bringing death from above?  Still nothing new from him to bolster that assertion. 

Sadly, because I kept an open mind about him at first, I have to say now it’s just him beating the same old drum.  If he’s a hustler, he’s not a very shrewd one.  He should’ve have moved on to greener pastures like one other YouTuber I can think of.  This person made their crowd source money up front while the topic was hot, then moved on.  I haven’t heard this person talk about The Route 91 Harvest Massacre since … I don’t know when. 

But going back to the beginning of my interest in The Las Vegas Shooting, I was hungry for any and all kinds perspectives on the event, and watching a lot of Cullen was how I got my start.  However, I eventually realized his channel just posts UFO sightings.  Sorry John, although later in my presentation I will talk about an old video of his.  I have somethings to say about it.

Next I want to talk about Mike Turber and his 5 x 5 News live stream last Thursday.  Mike has changed his format.  This version of his live stream has him in a dark room, illumination coming from his lap top only.  He talked about Black Hats, White Hats, and Gray Hats.  He made the point that Black Hats aren’t necessarily the villains, and White Hats aren’t necessarily the good guys.  He did not mention Ass Hats, but the less said about them the better.

I do enjoy watching Mike and listening to what he has to say.  Mike can be a real card.  If fact, he was on such a roll that night I was having a tough time paying attention to what was being said in the chat box.

Like I’ve said, I love a good live chat.  I plan on participating in Mike Turber’s Thursday live chats from here on out.  If I’m not there it’s for one of three reasons: a flood, I’m getting laid, or I’m getting laid during a flood, which in which case my mind is elsewhere. 

There was one classic bit of the type that keeps me coming back for more.  Mike held up this big long, almost cigar shaped card board cut-out.  Mike asked, “Do you know what this is?” 
When I saw how the front was shaped, I typed, “Global Hawk?”  Then Sleep Depp Vegas typed, “The bullet-fragment out of Jesus Campos’s leg.”  I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my fucking chair.  This is why I love live chats.  There’s a Joker in every deck. 
Then Mike said, “It’s a drone,” leaving the impression he’ll have more to say about this later.

Mike told two stories I was very much interested in hearing.  I had heard something about each story before, but until this point, I hadn’t heard either complete tale.  The first story was about Officers Levi Hancock and Sean O'Donnell leaving rm. 32-135 after the breech and after it had been secured so Hancock could make that phone call to the Boston Reporter who gave him his marching orders about ‘getting her something.’  I had known Hancock had made that phone call and what the likely result was. 
What I didn’t know was that O’Donnell had gone out into the hallway with him, and this all comes after O'Donnell's accidental discharge of his firearm.

Unbelievable. I read a story one time written by Richard Marcinko, author of Rogue Warrior, the memoir of the founder of the US Navy’s Top-Secret Counterterrorist Unit SEAL TEAM SIX.  The book is a great read.  I also read Rogue Warrior II: Red Cell, a fictionalized account of The Sharkman’s adventures by Marcinko and John Weisman.  I have Green Team: Rogue Warrior and Task Force Blue: Rogue Warrior, also by Marcinko and Weisman.  I’ll get around to the last two one of these days.    

Anyway, back Marcinko, he recounts the story of kicking a SEAL off his team who blundered during a training exercise.  If I remember right, it was about not entering and clearing a room properly. The guy was sloppy, he didn’t have his shit together, and Marcinko told the him, "You're done here.”  Demo Dick is not taking a fuck-up out into the field.  He took a great deal of pride in bringing his SEALs back home alive every time, which won’t happen if somebody is in the habit of making bonehead moves. 

But when it comes to The LVMPD’s SWAT members, I guess a fuck-up can stay on the scene even after putting the lives of fellow officers at risk.  How reassuring.

Mike also told a second story which I’ve heard him mention in passing, that Sherriff Joe Lombardo had lied to him.  I remember thinking, ‘Wow.  How did that come about?’  Well Mike said he was driving around one time and was listening to some radio call-in talk show, and wouldn’t you know, the next guest up was Sherriff Joe Lumbago himself. 

So, Mike got out his smart phone and called the show.  He got past the screener and was able to ask Lombardo two questions, one pointedly asking the Sherriff about Levi Hancock and the reporter and the leaked photos of the room 32-135 crime scene.  Lombardo’s answer was something like, “There’s nothing to it.” 
Mike knows better and so do the rest of us.  At Mike’s next live stream, I’ll be there and I’ll be looking for you.

Having a segue is always nice.  From the last Mike story we transition into topic no. 2, which is Sherriff Joe Lombardo and his press conference of July 11, 2019, where he announced the release of The 1 Oct. After Action Report on the Las Vegas shooting.  I watched the whole thing and what a dispiriting, too much of nothing experience that was. 

Lombardo looked like a man who was simply happy he still had his job, and watching him spin The LVMPD’s investigation of the massacre, I came away feeling that lies grease society’s skids, not the truth.  If too much truth gets out there, the whole rotten system could come crashing down on their heads.  A cynical stance to take I know, and I’d rather not believe it, but after that slick performance by Lombardo, I don’t know what else to believe.

In a perfect world we would be watching Las Vegas’s top cop leveling with America and the rest of the globe.  It all happened on his watch.  There were some good things.  The cops on the ground did heroic work.  The cooperation between the cops and EMS and The Fire Department was amazing under incredibly dangerous, ad hoc conditions.  I’ll give Lombardo points for that. 

But he’s also a politician and he can cross that fuzzy boundary between law enforcement and politician with the greatest of ease.  If he’s going to leave us the impression that the investigation into who did the shooting on Oct 1, 2017 was a good investigation, a thorough investigation, lot of us within the sound of my voice are going to roll their eyes.  Lombardo is as an elected official, not a police chief hired by a Public Safety director. 

If he mounted a defense against criticism he might say, “I answer to the voters at the ballot box.”  Yes, that would be true, but people in The Las Vegas Shooting Truth Community have some idea how the real-world works.  Joe Lombardo answers to the people who dump all that money into his reelection coffers, which for the most part would be The Resort Industry of Las Vegas. 

Like we see with Sean O’Donnell walking off with Levi Hancock to watch him make that call, it’s all one big good ol’ boy network, Las Vegas style, and if you don’t think that is a formidable opponent, well it is.

Anyway, the last topic I’m going to cover tonight is a John Cullen video.  Here’s what happened.  It was last Saturday morning and I was starting the day watching Styxxenhexnhammer666, like I always do.  After I was done with him, I looked over into my que and I see this John Cullen video titled Laura Loomer, The Honeypot, & The Three Women Sleeping w/ Paddock, recommended for me. 

I watched the video once before a while back, and I remember kind of enjoying it for how crazy it was.  I do believe it is John’s best video.  And because of it I even speculated in one of my earlier Vegas videos on the possibility of three mercs in rm. 32-135, setting up their operation while keeping some hookers stashed in rm. 32-134 for fun time when taking a break.  After I began learning more, this scenario became something I stopped taking seriously.  But that’s beside the point.  John’s video is nuts in an entertaining way.  It’s only 11:36 seconds long and I decided to watch it again.  But this time, at 8:37 in the video, I saw something I had not flashed on the first time around, because I didn’t know as much as I do now.  And I said, “Hold the phone.”    

Laura Loomer, The Honeypot, & The Three Women Sleeping w/ Paddock is a title that makes Steve sound like a real stud, doesn’t it?  That may come as a surprise to Marilou Danley, since in her Fit Report interview, she made it pretty clear that Stephen’s dodgy health had left him too pooped after strumming the bedsprings with her do anything but sleep it off.  They had stopped being intimate. 

Still John’s video is about sex, or about women used as bait in an intelligence operation, or I don’t know what the hell he’s really getting at, which is what makes this video unique.  For once Cullen takes up a subject that is genuinely intriguing.  And he has a video and audio recording of information relayed to the LVMPD Communications Center where the dispatcher is making note of three women who were somehow checked into rm 32-134.         

This story ran as a Doug Poppa article in the Baltimore Post Examiner on May 27, 2018 titled ‘Stephen Paddock’s Hotel Records Show Three Women Registered In His Room’.  I’d say the story is not a trivial matter and worthy of some scrutiny.

Reading Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) records from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s Communication Center, there is no doubt that Stephen Paddock had three females registered to his room.  There is also no doubt that Sheriff Joe Lombardo originally told reporters that Paddock’s check-in date was Sept. 28, 2017, a date that was revised to September 25 during a press briefing by Lombardo on October 9. 

Quoting Doug Poppa here: “The police also told the media that Marilou Danley’s name was also on the registration, however, they never stated that there were three females registered to Paddock’s room.”  All the names of the women in Computer Aided Dispatch are redacted.

In a departure from trying to convince us Saudi Air National Guardsmen in helicopters flying over Las Vegas had some reason for firing on a country music concert of 22,000 attendees, John Cullen switches gears and takes us into territory where beautiful female intelligence agents are up to no good.

The video begins with a June 1st 2018 appearance by the lovely and talented Laura Loomer on InfoWars with Alex Jones, actually clips from two separate appearances edited together.  Laura is her usual half-baked, alarmist self.  She tells us “The LVMPD are hiding who these women are, and I think that we’re really going to learn a lot more about what happened in Vegas once we learn the identities of these three women.”  John throws up text that says, “We agree with Laura.” 

What do you mean why we, Kemosabe?  When it comes to Laura Loomer, I can’t for the life of me figure out how she gets people to turn off their crap detectors.  Note to self, one more mystery to get to solve.

Next John references 10.  10.  10’o Five here.  10.  Ten gets a mention because he was the first to notice the bed in rm. 32-135 had been slept in.  What a poppa bear he is.  John next shows us a picture of a woman’s gold jacket on a coffee table.  Finally, John tells us ‘our conclusion was that Paddock was with at least one woman, and had been honey potted. 

Oh, you meant ‘The Oldest Trick In The Book’ there John?  I know it well.  Why is it that young people nowadays got to change the names of everything to something else?   

Okay, I’m going to jump ahead into the video at about 8:37, where we are well into the video and audio recording of information relayed to the LVMPD Communications Center.  That’s when I heard and saw text on the screen that absolutely floored me.  “First name Stephen with a PH.”  
Okay class where have we seen this before?  Anybody?  I saw something similar to this statement in The FIT Report.  Does anybody remember who said it?  Sleep?

‘On September 26, Cruz was working in valet. Paddock arrived in a van, and Cruz greeted him.  Cruz stated he knows Paddock because he is a regular at the Mandalay Bay and always tells the valet attendants his name is “Stephen with a PH Paddock.” Cruz was not 100% sure if Paddock was by himself. Cruz described Paddock as a friendly guy who usually tipped five

Cruz goes on to say he was ‘working on Friday, September 29, and saw Paddock in the valet area standing next to his vehicle with a short Asian female.
Cruz believed Paddock was drunk, and the Asian female was happy and nice. Cruz asked Paddock where he was coming from and he replied, “That concert across the street.” Paddock gave Cruz five dollars and Cruz left. Cruz stated he was 100% sure it was Paddock and he was 100% sure it was Friday because he took Saturday (September 30) off. Cruz could not remember what Paddock or the Asian female were wearing, and nothing “stuck out” from his interaction with Paddock.’

Aficionados of The Fit Report will also remember that Cruz was asked about baggage handler Phil Torres. Cruz stated he knew him but had not seen Torres on Sept. 29.  Torres on the other hand, told police investigators about his interaction with Paddock on the 29th which is at variance with Cruz’s recollection.  Later Cruz would say his memory of seeing Paddock in the valet parking on Sept. 29 could have been a case ‘of mistake in identity’ and his certainty the encounter happened was now more like 50%.  No surveillance footage exists to back up the stories of either Cruz or Torres, naturally.

John’s video after the 8:37 mark is complete garbage, although it’s highly amusing garbage.  Some things John tosses out there: Were these the women warning concert goers, about 45 minutes before Jason Aldean took the stage, that, “You’re all going to die”?  John also asks, “Is that who we hear groaning after Officer Brett Brosnahan goes to the window, an idea nicely discredited by Concerned Citizen in his two videos on the subject.  I’ll leave links to those videos below. 

John, in his patently irresponsible style, even goes so far as to plant this idea into the heads of the impressionable:  Did Officer O’Donnell shoot one of these women?  I can almost hear you laughing from here.

That’s the problem with John.  If, like him, you’re going to start with the premise that Stephen Paddock didn’t shoot anybody, and that no shots were fired from rms. 32-135 and 32-134, it means you don’t have to bother reading The Fit Report, do you?  I can picture Mister Rogers, a Pittsburgh home-town hero, asking, “Can you say lazy?”

So, I found Stephen with a PH in a Cullen video and in the FIT Report.  Two different sources.  Just a coincidence?  I don’t know, but I hate coincidences because I don’t particularly believe in them.  This is like so many of the details that come out of the Las Vegas Shooting that leave me asking, does this have any meaning? 

I see myself as a context guy.  Now I have a lot of respect for the evidence-based people because that’s the foundation for building a solid case.  Conversely, the problem I see with the narrative based folks is, you could take a lot of details and slap a three-act structure on it and could come up with a great sounding story, like John in his Honey Pot video, and still end up with bullshit.  With a narrative approach, we can fool ourselves because real life is a lot messier than a first act, second act, and third act.  

That’s why I choose to focus on the context of Las Vegas, the world of Las Vegas.  And since it’s an internationally renowned playground for the well-heeled, that brings in the entire word.  With a focus on context I ask myself what is believable, what is likely?  To illustrate what I mean, let’s revisit the story of Jesus Campos one more time.  Context in this case means this was the world Jesus already worked in, even before The Route 91 shooting.

Did Jesus have fore knowledge of the events of Oct. 1, and is there a circumstantial case to be made for that?  That depends on what you mean by ‘foreknowledge’.  I can't say what Jesus knew since I don't know what's in his head.  But here is what I find interesting about Jesus.  He does know what happened at 9:59, even if it was nothing at all. 

Jesus as a security officer might be apprised of some 'undercover' work going on in Mandalay Bay and be expected to function as 'support'.  If that's the case, he might have fore knowledge of some government intelligence or law enforcement operation.  He might have been given code phrases.  'Shot in the leg with a BB or pellet gun' is such a bizarre thing to say under the circumstance Jesus found himself in, that to me it only makes sense as some prearranged code, like 'Jesus, if something plays out in front of you, say this.'  The code could mean, 'we've got a serious breakdown here.'  It goes out over the radio so the right people hear it. 

I'd be surprised if Jesus never sat in on any security staff meetings (a type of foreknowledge).  Being in security means having proprietary information that Mandalay Bay wouldn’t want him sharing with the public, and I think we can agree Jesus knows how to stick to the script.  It's part of the job description.

My explanation seems to be getting a little fine-grain, so let me run this by you:  Jesus knew 'something' was happening before 9:59, that 'something' turned into a huge disaster.  Now he’s playing the security office role expected of him, as in protect MGM and Mandalay Bay interests.  If the ‘security staff meetings’ part of what I just said about Jesus Campos isn't the case, I'd be surprised.

Richard Feynman, the greatest physicist of the latter half of the 20th Century once said, "I don't know what I believe until I write it down." Sunday night I wrote this down on my graph paper tablet:  'I'm looking for hints of trade craft.' 

That's what I do.  That's what I've been doing since reading books on The JFK assassination starting at the age of 11.  I've been doing it with The Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11, The San Bernardino shooting.  (Boy do I have a story to tell you about The San Bernardino shooting.  I'll leave that for another video.)

I don't know if I'll ever find any definite hints of Intelligence Agency trade craft among all the pieces of The Las Vegas Shooting puzzle.  I may end up like Ponce de Leon trying to locate The Fountain Of Youth and ending up with bupkis.  Of course, if the spooks were up to something that resulted in The Route 91 Harvest Festival Massacre, they are trained not to let you catch them at it.  But they can’t hide everything. 

On Pg. 40 of The Fit Report we read that Campos advised the security dispatcher he had been shot in the leg with a BB or pellet gun and was injured.  So, first Jesus says BB then also adds 'pellet gun'.  He must have heard the rapid-fire sound of the bump stock AR-15 firing at him.  Yet he says 'BB or pellet gun', as if he couldn't think of a more accurate description.  

Can this be explained as Campos reacting from the shock of being hit with a bullet fragment?  Maybe, but there is still something wrong with Jesus's reaction to the situation.  Something off kilter.  Would all this make more sense if 'BB' and 'pellet gun' were code names for Marilou and Stephen?  

I’ll leave you to think about that until my next video.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

No. 27 The Las Vegas Shooting: "Eric, Does That Sound Like Steve To You?"

Welcome, to The Human Nature Channel.  I’m you’re host Alex Tamsula and what am I doing here?  Well it’s Wednesday morning at my Dad’s ever enlivening farm garage.  There is always something interesting in here.  What can I show you tonight?

I think I’ve got everything I need.  I have my ‘I accept Tips’ button.  Maybe I should wear it.  I have a tape measure so I can measure up.  Not only do I have a roll of masking tape, I have this tape roll’s big brother.  I have my pointer with a magnet on it.  I’ve got a cigar for The Columbo Close.  And I have a pack of matches from Jolly Rogue.  An antique pack of matchers because the striker strip is on the front.  Ooo, that’s living dangerously.

Some Las Vegas Shooting Truth Community News.  Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to Concerned Citizen, part of my Mastermind Group along with Eric Peters and fawnspy.  It was CC who set me straight on the bullet holes in room 32-135.  While reading the FIT Report, I got seriously confused.  Officer O’Donnell was in Room 32-135 when he flipped the switch on his rifle to three-round bursts and it fired.

As a pinned comment on my last video, I posted the conversation where I finally saw the light.  Please check it out.  I think this is interesting because the going back and forth with CC on our YouTube chat made me realize exactly where I went wrong.  So, I’m going read the sentences from The FIT Report that lead me astray and why.  When it comes to how badly worded and written The FIT Report is, I think this drives the point home.

In the timeline it does state things clearly.  I’m paraphrasing here but at ‘2326 hours after the explosive breach of the connecting door to 32-134, an LVMPD SWAT officer negligently fired a three-round burst from his rifle. The rounds fired from the SWAT officer’s rifle struck a chair, an entertainment center/cabinet, and a wall.’  Much to my chagrin, I missed seeing that sentence the first time through.  That might have been the place where my eyes started to go crossed.

But later, during the Detailed Overview, we get this verbatim description of events: ‘SWAT Officer Hancock breached the door. Immediately following the explosive breach SWAT Officer O’Donnell had an unintentional discharge of a three-round burst from his rifle. Officers in the hallway heard the shots fired and broadcast shots had been fired inside the room. Officers flooded into Room 32-134 through the breached adjoining connector door.’

When I first read those last two sentences, I thought the officers who radioed in ‘shots fired’ were the ones who went flooding into room 32-134.  The text read like they were reacting to shots from inside that room and were going to O’Donnell’s aid.  Not so.  The officers in the first sentence are not the officers in the second. 

O’Donnell was in room 135 and was in the stack getting ready to go into 134.  O’Donnell was one of the cops doing the flooding!  When it comes to the last two sentences, I realized to my surprise, the first sentence didn’t have much to do with the second, despite both using the word ‘officers’.  The FIT Report gets a D- from this English teacher.  You made me look bad.

Joking aside, I’m pondering a serious problem here.  Well return to the gun safety issue later on in our presentation.

Secondly, I want to thank everybody who commented on my last video, No. 26, The Un FIT Report.  I saw some new names.  Belinda Nichols, Wagon 805, Pyramyd Seven.  Welcome aboard mates.  And there were the hardcore fans, Eric Peters, Concerned Citizen, fawnspy, Pastor Mo, Mike Turber, Jay H HVAC & Plumbing, George Burns, Little Monster Pants, Truth Seeker, Aces Wild LV, Jeremiah Johnson.  And of course Sean Smith, who turned me on to ‘I Heard You Paint Houses’ by Charles Brandt, true crime reportage about Jimmy Hoffa and his close friend Frank, ‘The Irishman’ Sheeran, who may have been instrumental in Hoffa’s disappearance.  I can’t wait to find out if Jimmy is really is buried under Section 107 of New York Giant’s stadium.

Also, a number of people chimed in with the possibility of Stephen Paddock having his organs or soft tissue procured, after I mentioned that cryptic note in the Paddock autopsy included in The FIT Report.  That was the notation about organ/tissue protocol being followed.  Based on a link sent to me by my silent partner, I can say there is 0% chance Paddock had any of his organs procured.  But soft tissue like bone marrow of heart valves?  A 12-hour window on those.  Stephen wouldn’t be needing those corneas anymore.  Plus, I tried to find a picture of Stephen Paddock’s drivers license on line, just see for myself if he had the organ donor designation.  Nada.

I am an old guy, or at least AARP thinks so.  I’m 62 and don’t let my boyish enthusiasm fool you.  I’ve been around a long time.  I’m old enough to remember, oh going back 25 or 30 years or so, when you used to hear conservative pundits on TV talking about ‘The Marketplace of Ideas’.  These pundits were inviting liberals into the debating process on issues.

Today, you don’t hear people talk about ‘The Marketplace of Ideas’ any more.  We are deep into ‘The Age of The Activist’.  The problem with activists is, they really don’t want a debate.  They just want to lecture you on what you should care about, and that drives me crazy because I have always liked the idea of ‘The Marketplace of Ideas’.  I miss it and I don’t necessarily see it as right-wing or left-wing thing.  It’s just a forum.  So, for my part, The Human Nature Channel’s comments section is my way of keeping the ‘The Marketplace of Ideas’ alive.

In the spirit of this market place, there are two YouTube Channels by Las Vegas Shooting investigators I’m paying a lot of attention to.  Mike Turber’s 5 x 5 News and Jen’s Nothing If Not Intense.  This shouldn’t come as a surprise since I’ve mentioned them both. 

I like the work they do.  I like the way they present their information about The Route 91 Harvest Festival Massacre.  I think they’re good people who across as real.  They’ve had nice things to say about me, but beyond that I think they both do their work in good faith.  They give you an honest assessment of what they find.  Considering how murky Human Nature can get, you can do worse.

I mention Mike’s and NINI’s channels because they both could stand behind two separate theorems of what was happening inside Room 32-135 on Oct, 1, 2017.  The First Theorem we could call Paddock The Perpetrator Theorem.  This is definitely not a locked-room mystery. 

When it comes to the question of whether anybody else was involved in The Las Vegas Shooting besides Stephen Paddock, there’s nothing we can hang on a hook that’s decisive.  What you see is what you get.  Unless you’ve got something tangible, it’s all speculation, and that goes for me too.  Paddock murdered and maimed a bunch of people, and then shot himself.  He was pissed at the casinos because he thought they were cheating him.  End of story. 

And a sense of almost air-tight certainty that Stephen Paddock acted alone comes from his brother Eric Paddock.  To hear Eric’s point of view, I recommend watching Mike Turber’s excellent interview with him.  Exclusive / Eric Paddock Reveals New Information About Stephen Paddock | FBI BAU.  Watching Eric and Mike shred The Las Vegas Review Panel Report, also known as The FBI’s three-pager, was pretty amusing.  I also wanted to find how Mike came to interview Eric Paddock!  I won’t spoil that.  I’ll just leave a link to the video in the notes below so you can find out for yourself. 

Watching this video was something I’d had wanted to do since reading Eric’s statement about Stephen in The FIT Report: ‘Eric told investigators he and Paddock were smarter than the majority of other people. Eric told investigators he was in Las Vegas to help and show “how dumb you motherfuckers are,” referring to law enforcement.’  Hey Eric.  Tell us what you really think.

In the video interview at 40:51, Eric talks about Stephen having stayed many times at The Mandalay Bay hotel in the rooms above and below room 32-135, six floors worth.  “Stephen liked looking at the planes,” Eric said.  I guess he means the ones out of McCarran.  Eric went on: “I’ve stayed in those rooms many times.”  He said he had even stayed in ‘that room’.  Eric also talked about owning the same type of hammer found in Rm 135.  Eric said when he learned they found Stephen was wearing blue gloves, the kind Steve bought all the time at Home Depot, Eric was sure Stephen was behind the shooting because Stephen always wore those types of gloves when working.  These little things have convinced Eric that Stephen was the shooter and the shooter alone.

Next we get to The Second Theorem which we could call Paddock The Participant Theorem, based on the assumption that everything we saw transpire on Oct. 1, 2017 in Las Vegas would only have happened if as least one other person was involved.  And this is a locked-room mystery.

This is the theorem of cover-up.  Shifting timelines.  A Nightline interview with Jesus Campos where it looks suspiciously like he’s doing a recreation of getting on the service elevator, complete with grayed-out time stamps in the CCTV video.

It is here that I am bedeviled, and I’m sure I’m not alone, in trying to figure how a second shooter in room 134 could have possibly escaped without being detected.  This is where I really go out on a limb and say things like, the second shooter was a female of slim build, who could get through the air vents into room 132.

This is the weird place where the L-shaped bracket on the fire door could have been removed by somebody with the right tool in his tool belt, so the shooter could slip down the steps without any problem.  Then our handyman replaces the L-Shape bracket on the door, creating the illusion that nobody ever went through it.  Who’s going to know?

Here we find Jesus Campos getting on his radio and saying, “I’ve been shot in the leg with a pellet or BB,” a statement that goes out over the radio in classic mind-virus, meme fashion.  When it comes to The FIT report’s fourth telling of Jesus’s story, the authors makes us understand in no uncertain terms that Jesus was actually shot in the leg with a bullet fragment, despite what you may have heard to the contrary.  Yeah, like in the first three times The FIT Report told the Jesus story.

And in keeping with the notion that the perpetration of The Las Vegas Shooting was bigger than any one person alone, the Jesus statement, “I’ve been shot in the leg with a pellet,” could be a code phrase for “the cover up is on.”

Anyway, getting back to Eric’s interview, I will say I found him to be an interesting guy.  He’s obviously intelligent, as well as arch and sarcastic.  He brought a dark sense of humor to the proceedings.  Plus, if you watch him closely, you can see he’s somebody who has devoted a lot of time to rehearsing what he wants to say.  Mike Turber never tossed him a question that caught him off guard.  Cool as a can of freon, that Eric Paddock.

Now this isn’t a bash Eric video.  I actually came away with a certain level of sympathy for the guy.  He could almost be a character out of a Jim Thompson novel, Thompson the author of The Getaway, and The Killer Inside Me, and The Grifters.  Thompson was a kind of a neo Freudian who seemed to think that deep down inside, all people really wanted was to punished, which is a pretty good description of any plot in a Jim Thompson novel. 

But in the all too real world, Eric Paddock is a man who had a grandfather who was a bad guy, a father who was a bank robber and a bad guy, and a brother now acknowledged as the biggest mass murderer in American history.  It wouldn’t surprise me if Eric at some point said to himself, “What circle of Hell is this?”

But when it comes Eric’s certainty that Stephen acted alone, I did say almost air-tight.  That’s because there was one thing in the interview with Eric that really jumped out at me.  Eric engaged in his own ‘Theory of Everything’ when it came to ‘the how’ of The Las Vegas Shooting, as in how did Stephen Paddock pull it all off?  Eric would say, “Steve was very good at whatever he wanted to be good at.”

In my video no. 16, The Las Vegas Shooting, We Be John Cullen, I talked about a theory of everything explaining the ‘why’ behind Stephen Paddock’s actions.  “Well, Stephen Paddock wasn’t right in the head.”  Why did Stephen Paddock turn his guns on a crowd of people who had absolutely nothing to do with his problems? “Well, Stephen Paddock wasn’t right in the head.”

Why would a smart guy like Steve believe a mass shooting in Vegas, to make the casinos famous as Eric put it, would make the least bit of difference in the billion-dollar Las Vegas Gaming Industry’s bottom line?  “Well, Steve wasn’t right in the head.” 

My problem with a theory of everything is could turn into a mental trap, especially if it makes you pass over some ambiguous detail that might be important later on.

I watched The Chicken Shack video posted by Brian Shields, where we see people running for their lives.  You hear the crack of a rifle and off to the right there is a woman on the move.  You hear a second rifle report and she falls. 
I would ask Eric, ‘Gee, how did Stephen get so good a being a sniper?’  Eric might say, “Steve was very good at whatever he wanted to be good at.” 

I would remind Eric that in his interview with Mike Turber, he did say Stephen never fired his guns.  It was Eric kids who fired them.  Eric even had held Steve’s gun for a long while as Steve was in the process of moving into a new place.  Yet somehow Stephen Paddock managed to get good enough to hit a moving target.  I would say to Eric, when you put these things together, never firing his guns yet hitting a moving target, can you understand why people are skeptical that Stephen Paddock acted alone?

So, there we have our two Theorems, Paddock As Preparator and Paddock As Participant.  It’s kind of like the old joke about the two guys in an insane asylum, both claiming to be Napoleon.  One of them got to be wrong. 
Anyway, let’s go back to where I originally started, talking about SWAT Officer O’Donnell and his accidental three-round burst inside room 32-135.  I’d like to give you some background on my experience with firearms. 

Okay, Western Pennsylvania farm country.  I grew up around guns, all kinds of guns.  Western Pennsylvania is The Deer Hunting capital of the world, I do believe. 

In my much younger days I was doing target shooting; I was into the marksmanship of it all and I did enjoy it a lot.  I was a Boy Scout, and at summer camp there was a rifle range.  I remember one time being at that range.  I was already in a prone position and picked up the rifle before the instructor gave the okay.  The instructor gave me a kick to the bottom of my shoe.  Hey, gun safety is important.  

I was on the high school rifle team.  Shot .22s at targets.  Years later, me and friends would go out into the boonies with our rifles and a case of beer and blast empty beer cans.  I do like shooting. 

I also ran a sporting goods department in a department store for five years.  I sold all different types of rifles and shot guns.  So, I know a little something about rifles. 

I even have an AR-15 that was put together over time from parts me and a friend would buy at gun-shows, the idea being all AR-15 parts are interchangeable and you could build a gun that way.  The most important purchase was the lower receiver because that’s where the serial number is stamped. 

Unfortunately, the supposed interchangeability of AR-15 parts is not quite true.  There are slight differences between the parts for civilian AR-15s and tactical AR-15s for law enforcement.  The gun I own fires three times and jams.  I ended up with a 2000-dollar paper weight.  One of these days I’ll get I’ll get my rifle fixed, but my point is I’ve been around even for the building of an AR15.

The problem I’m having with O’Donnell is one of simple gun safety.  He could’ve accidentally killed any of the officers around him.  It doesn’t seem to me O’Donnell ever got that all important kick to the bottom of the shoe, to always remind yourself to keep you’re head in the game with a loaded gun not on safe.  I know Vegas is a resort town, boys, but that doesn’t mean you’re on vacation.

And now that I’m almost finished here, this is where I get to do The Columbo close.  “Oh, one more question, Eric.”

Now, Stephen Paddock, as The FIT Report tells, fired at the jet fuel storage tank with the .308 rifle from room 32-134.  Even though it should’ve been like hitting the broadside of a barn, Sure Shot Steve fired something like eight shots and only hit twice?  Since this was not part of any ‘escape plan’, as Eric assures us, then it’s simply part of the general plan to ‘make the casinos famous’ for cheating Steve.  Exploding those tanks with incendiary rounds was only meant to make The Las Vegas Shooting more horrendous than it was already going to be.

But Eric.  You said Stephen liked to stay in those Mandalay Bay suites facing North because he liked to watch the planes take-off from McCarran.  And Steve was also a pilot.  Stephen Paddock had to know something about air plane engines.  He would have to know what the phrase ‘fuel injection’ meant.  You would think he was aware that if you threw a lit cigarette into a jar of kerosene, nothing would happen.  The fuel has to be atomized, mixed with air.  Put kerosene into a spray bottle and spritz it towards an open flame and then you’ll get your ignition.  But that’s the only way.

You would think Stephen Paddock would know that firing bullets into a storage facility full of jet fuel isn’t going to do anything.  We’re not talking about a gas can with a spout on it here.  We’re talking a storage facility full of separate chambers designed to prevent just this type of conflagration.

Whoever fired those rounds at the jet fuel storage tank didn’t seem to know a goddamn thing about jet fuel storage tanks or the jet fuel inside them.  “Eric, does that sound like Steve to you?”

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

No. 26 The Las Vegas Shooting: The Un FIT Report #RedPillBill

Welcome, to The Human Nature Channel.  I’m you’re host Alex Tamsula and what am I doing here?  Well it’s Wednesday morning once again at my Dad’s farm garage where there is always something interesting to show you. What do I have tonight? 

I had to bring up my other tripod to get this shot, but here we have a display of artifacts from World War 2.  There’s my Dad’s army coat.  He enlisted into the army in early 1945 and was training to be a tanker, but the war ended before he ever saw any action.  There’s the civil defense helmet I mentioned in an earlier video.  We also have examples of high caliber rounds of ammunition.  Rest assured, there’s nothing in them.  They are all empty shells.  I mean if these things were live, could I do this?  (Cartoon explosion).


So, I think I have everything I need.  I have a box of push-pins.  I have a corkboard so with my push-pins I can post notes to self.  (Unplug phones).   I have a can of Pam cooking spray.  If recent news reports are true about cans of Pam sometimes being the source of kitchen fire-ball explosions, maybe this should go on the shelf with the rest of the ordinance. I’ll wait until it’s empty before I put it up there.

I have my pointer with a magnet on it.  I have a letter opener.  A rather unconventional letter opener I will admit.  And I have a box on the floor for my junk mail.  Now let’s get started.

A bit of Las Vegas Shooting Truth Community News.  On Sunday June the 23rd around 11 PM, I opened my email box and saw Mike Turber at 5 x 5 News was starting a live stream chat.  I rushed right over and let me tell you, I was glad I did.

Mike noticed I was there and said, “Hey everybody, Alex Tamsula is here.  He has a YouTube channel that’s really good and you should subscribe to him.”  I picked up 20 subscribers that night.  It was great.  Once again, thank you Mike.  It was a fun live chat.  I was making comments.  I was having a great back and forth with folks.  One guy I thought was kind of trolling the place ended up subscribing to me.  What a blast.  I do enjoy live chats.

Next, a bit of tech news.  Last Thursday the power went out in my apartment for 2 ½ hours after a rain storm.  That afternoon was shot to hell. 

When the power finally came back on, it took me another hour to get my internet back.  If you have Verizon Fiber Optic for your internet like I do and lose your connection, find the Verizon electrical box, wherever it is located.  The unit should be under a bundle of thin plastic conduits coming out of the ceiling.  

On the box will be some sort of reset button.  Mine happened to be on the underside and originally, I thought it was just a rubber plug in a hole.  Since it was the only thing on the box I could even push, I put my finger in it and held it up for 30 seconds.  This while standing in water because the laundry room where the box is mounted had leaked water on the floor because of the rain. 

But then I went back upstairs into my apartment, and I could see the World Wide Web light on my modem had stopped glowing red, and soon I was back on line.  This could save you an hour on hold if you are calling Verzion Customer service for this problem, FYI.

Anyway, let’s get started.  I have now finished reading The FIT Report.  Yes, I made it all the way through the damn thing.  I took about 7 pages of notes, fighting my way through the timeline and the autopsy and the toxicology reports. 

I can state factually there were no stones in Stephen Paddock’s gall bladder, so we can rule that out as an extenuating circumstance.  But why was Paddock’s selenium content 19 times higher than normal?  We may never get an answer to that question.

(And yes, I know.  What if the body being autopsied wasn’t Paddock’s?  We’ll leave that for another time.) 

I plan on rereading The Fit Report at some point, after I’ve recovered.  There’s a lot in it and there are a couple of points I’d like to cover as fast as I can, so bear with me. 

In my Las Vegas Shooting video No. 16, The Las Vegas Shooting, We Be John Cullen, I said I had yet to hear anybody say they saw Paddock fire a gun.  Well, I stand corrected.  It turns out there was somebody who saw Paddock fire a gun and that was none other than Marilou Danley. 

In her interview with LVMPD and FBI investigators, she said she traveled with Paddock to the unofficial gun range / land fill in Mesquite and observed Paddock firing his weapons.  Unimpeachable source, that Marilou.  I’m surprised I had never read that detail in any of the news articles.

Also, in my first Las Vegas Shooting Video No. 7, The Las Vegas Shooting, The Squirrel Hill Synagogue Shooting, and Laura Loomer, I erroneously stated the deadbolt to Room 32-135 was engaged.  This is an error.  According to the Lock Interrogation Report, at 2320 hours, the door to room 32-135 showed ‘open from the inside,’ meaning it wasn’t dead bolted.  A person could’ve only gained entry to 135 with Paddock’s key card, or an explosive charge.  Take your pick.

Then something else came as a surprise, something I haven’t heard anybody talk about yet.  Maybe it has come up in somebody’s video, or in a live chat somewhere, but are you aware there were bullets holes inside room 32-135?    

From pg. 92 of The FIT Report: ‘There was a bullet hole through the east arm of the orange chair, two bullet holes into the entertainment center cabinet along the south wall, and one bullet hole into the south wall between the entertainment center cabinet and the connecting door to Room 32-134.”

Now keep in mind, this has nothing to do with SWAT Officer O'Donnell’s accidental firing while fumbling with the selector switch on his semi-automatic rifle.  Those three shots into the wall in room 134 are accounted for.

So, what are we to make of a bullet hole in the orange chair, the two bullet holes into the entertainment center cabinet, and the one bullet hole into the wall between the entertainment cabinet and the connecting door?  Was our shooter in room 135 so crazed he was also firing inside the room?  Were the shots from any of the rifles?  Were they from a hand gun?  The FIT report is silent on these questions. 

But wait.  There’s more. Pg. 93 of The FIT Report states this:
‘The dresser drawers were open and the decorative bottom molding was broken.’   

So, what was going in room 135 where we have bullet holes in a chair and the wall?  What was happening in room 134 where we have a dresser that looked like it was searched and a bottom part broken?  Could there have been a violent struggle going on in these rooms?   I’ll throw that out there for other people to comment on. 

Maybe I’ll do another a video coming at The FIT Report from a different angle, considering this is the only biography of Stephen Paddock we’ll ever get.  We’ll see.

Oh, and last but not least, there’s what we have on pg. 86.

‘The attached southeast bathroom had a tub along the north wall with two glass vacuum suction holders on top of the tub ledge.’  What is up with that shit?

Okay enough evidence, because tonight what I really want to do is focus on how The FIT Report is structured.  I’m somebody who has tackled some pretty hard books in my day, and I still found The FIT Report daunting.  How do I begin to talk about it?  I know.  I’ll start at the end. 

Of all the things I read in The FIT Report, this one has to be the weirdest detail by far.  Pg. 145.  Tissue/organ donation.  Nevada Donor Network Protocol Followed. 

What?  I’m also throwing this out there for the commentors, and please somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but are we talking about organ procurement here?  Was one or more of Stephen Paddock’s organs donated?  Is there one, or more, organ recipients who got a second chance thanks to Stephen Paddock? 

This might be neither here nor there.  This might be nothing at all, but I was not prepared for the bizarre-o notion that Stephen Paddock gave the gift of life to somebody.  It almost comes across as a sick joke.  Organ procurement, at a Harvest Festival no less?  I’m just going to make a face and leave it at that.  (Makes a face.)  For now.

This ghoulish blip forms the backdrop to tonight’s question: Who is The Fit Report written for?  To grapple with such a question, it might be helpful to step back and ask, ‘Well, what is … The FIT Report, exactly?’

The FIT Report is a police report.  You could say it is a collection of police reports coalesced and summarized, and even though it goes beyond the usual confines of your average police report, with an entire section devoted to ‘intent’, usually a subject taken up by prosecuting attorneys, it’s still a police report. 

You could jettison the entire section on intent and still have a description of the crime, with witness statements, inventory of evidence, toxicology reports and the what-not.  Like Sgt. Joe Friday used to say on the old TV show Dragnet, “Just the facts, ma’am.”  (Pics of Joe Friday.) 

Duh, da da duh.  Duh, da da duh, duhhh … Shucks I’m getting a little nostalgic for the good old days, when we thought police detectives actually wanted to solve crimes.  So, it’s a police report.  And again, I ask, who was it meant for?   

To put this into some kind of context, let me tell you the story of a single police report.  The year is 1996, a year after the O.J. Simpson trial, and political sensibilities about violence against women were still running pretty high.  Somebody I know was arrested for attempted murder.  The complaint was this.  The individual’s ex-girlfriend went to the police and made the following statement: “I was driving down the street when I saw my boyfriend driving down the other way.  When he saw me, he pulled out a shotgun and pointed it at me.”

I not sure if the girlfriend mentioned that the individual in question had ended their relationship a day or so earlier, but apparently she sounded credible enough so the police had no choice but to arrest the individual, in a rather public manner I might add, and he had to spend a night in the jug.

The next morning, so I could drive him home, I was at this guy’s bail hearing.  Not knowing what to expect, I was surprised when this individual was released on his own recognizance.  Now, how many suspects in an alleged attempted murder case have you ever heard getting to leave on their own recognizance? 

This is the only one I know of.  I said to myself, “The judge must have read the police report and smelled a rat.”  As the judge should have.  This guy?  He doesn’t even own any guns.  I know this for certain because the individual in question is my brother.

The point I’m making is this: a police report is meant at the outset for a judge in a bail hearing.  Any police report at its creation exists in an indeterminate state.  The police just take down the witness’s statement, and whether the information in the police report is true or not will be later sorted-out by judges and prosecuting attorneys.

Anyway, back to our story.  The next judge to have access to the police report would have been the judge presiding at the preliminary hearing.  To get to the punch line, the judge heard the testimony of the crazy ex-girlfriend and dismissed the charges ‘with prejudice’, legal jargon for ‘This witness is completely full of shit’.

(Editor’s note:  In the formal legal world, a court case that is dismissed with prejudice means that it is dismissed permanently. A case dismissed with prejudice is over and done with, once and for all, and can't be brought back to court. A case dismissed without prejudice means the opposite. It's not dismissed forever.)

So, now that’s it all said and done, and we go back to the police report made by the crazy ex-girlfriend, and we can say the report wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on. 

But that isn’t known until it passes through the hands of judges and prosecutors.  Therefore, police reports are written for them.  However, when it comes to The Las Vegas Shooting, there was never going to be any trial since the suspect was dead.  It would not be part of any judge’s or prosecutor’s paper work.  I ask again, who was The FIT Report written for?

Was it written for the families of the victims of The Route 91 Harvest Festival Massacre?  Was it written for the survivors?  Was it written for the general public?  In answer to these three questions I would have say ‘no’. 

By interested layman standards, The FIT Report is rough going.  The entire timeline of Paddock’s travels between Sept. 19 and Oct. 1 is enough to make you dizzy, as well as the bag by bag description of all the luggage moved.  The repetition of certain events, like Jesus’s story about going down the 100 Wing Hallway, is told 4 different times, tempting a reader to maybe skip ahead.  I think a lot of folks reading The FIT Report would quit before finishing it.

I’m not saying the FIT Report was intentionally written in such a way as to defeat the casual reader, but the authors of The Report didn’t seem to care if that happened.  They didn’t seem to care if the reader got as far as Tissue/organ donation, Nevada Donor Network Protocol Followed.

The FIT Report doesn’t put any of the details gathered into any type of context.  Not that it should, but it doesn’t draw any conclusions like … boy, putting that L-shaped bracket on that fire door was really a dumb thing to do.  It’s a fire-door for Christ sakes. That Paddock really increased the odds that somebody might stumble upon the ‘something fishy’ that was going on, down at the end of The 100 Wing Hallway. 

So again, I ask, who was The FIT Report written for, because I don’t think it was written for us.

Well, I believe I know who The FIT Report was for, and to bolster my conclusion, first we’ll take a look at Eric Peters’ excellent Las Vegas Shooting video: Las Vegas Shooting – Campos on Nightline.  Security Officer Campos entered the service elevator at 2146 hours and got off on the 30th floor at 2147 hours.  From the Nightline broadcast, the reporter intones:  “On Oct. 1 2017, Mandalay Bay Security Officer Jesus Campos is on a routine security check, assigned to a room alarm on the 32nd floor.”

We see two CCTV camera views of Campos getting onto the service elevator, one outside and one inside.  Eric has circled the time when Jesus is inside the elevator.  It’s important to note that the circled time display was inserted by ABC News.  There is no time stamp in the lower corner of the image where you’d normally expect it to be.

Eric then compares that footage with the video from body cam #351 in the Mandalay Bay Security Room.  From the bank of monitors he gives us a close-up of the monitor on the area around the service elevator Campos used. And we see significant differences with stacked boxes and other items in that area, as opposed to the exact same area seen in the Nightline footage.  Here I supply a screen grab of what Eric found. (Pics.)

Next, I’d like to mention a video posted on a Las Vegas Shooting Video Channel called F, and the videos is titled, ‘What Happened at 9:59?’  You’ll find links to Eric’s and F’s videos in the notes below. 

F’s video is about The LVMPD’s changing timeline and things that were said by Lombardo initially, like … Jesus Campos was shot in the leg at 9:59. 

F reviews the same Nightline footage as Eric, emphasizing the point that the video’s timestamp has been grayed out and that ABC News inserted their own time code, with semicolons instead of the usual colons.

F tells us in the screen text that Campos is shot.  10:06!  To match The FIT Report.  But it was 9:59!

There we have the answer to the question who was the FIT Report written for?  It was written for Big Media. 

Big stinking, gutless, corporate broadcast media.  It was the blueprint for Big Media to follow.  We’ve seen this before with The Warren Commission Report on the JFK assassination.  We’ve seen this with The 9/11 Commission Report.  Hey Big Media, follow the blueprint.  When it comes to the Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest Festival Massacre, everything you have to say about the shooting better be in agreement with The FIT Report.  You don’t want to know what happens if you don’t.

Today in America we find ourselves inside, surrounded, and immersed in the greatest propaganda machine the world has ever seen.  It is meant to overwhelm us.  If The Las Vegas Shooting Truth Community wants to be more than just a debating society, we need a collective plan that is also a call to action.

I don’t expect Jack Morphonius and Jason Goodman to get drunk in a bar together, putting their arms around each other and saying, “I love you, man.”  At least not anytime soon.  But they both can agree, I’m sure, that the LVMPD’s accounting of The Las Vegas Shooting is one big pile of shit.

Mike Turber, Paladin, and Doug Poppa have all said, in so many words, that the Las Vegas Shooting Investigation is the worst police investigation they’ve ever seen.  Since a reopening of the investigation into the shooting probably won’t happen on the state level, the only way to play this is to find a way to put pressure on The United States House of Representatives and its Judiciary Committee to re-open The Las Vegas Shooting Investigation. 

There is precedent for this.  After years of public clamor, and numerous books by investigative journalists, and celebrity support for the suspicion that the American public was not being told the truth about political assassinations, in 1976 The United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations aka (HSCA) was established to investigate the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and The Reverend Martin Luther King. 

Now of course The HSCA l didn’t amount to much, but my point is politicians can be frightened by a public outcry that has facts on its side.  The US House of Representatives taking a look at The Las Vegas Shooting is within the realm of possibility, that is if we really get down into that sort of activism.  I’m willing to be an activist on reopening the investigation of The Route 91 Harvest Massacre, and I don’t even like activists.  But the longer we wait to put some kind of plan together where we can take this show on the road and ultimately to Washington DC, the harder it’s going to get. 

Inside America’s gigantic propaganda apparatus, where we all are, it looks to me like a game of beat-the-clock.  All tragedies fade from public consciousness, some faster than others.  As with The JFK Assassination or even 9/11, whenever I bring up the subject of The Las Vegas Shooting, a lot of people act like they don’t want hear it. 

It’s Vegas, with everything that implies in the popular imagination.  Bugsy Siegel’s memorial outside the wedding chapel at The Flamingo might give folks pause right there.  What I say is, grabbing that popular imagination for our cause is the key.