Monday, May 13, 2019

No. 19 Rep. Ilhan Omar's Dog Whistle And How She Blew It. #RedPillBill

Welcome, to The Human Nature Channel.  I’m you’re host Alex Tamsula and … what … am I doing here?  Well what I’m doing here today is talking about The US House Representative from Minnesota's 5th congressional district, Ilhan Omar, and her March 23 speech before The Council of American Islamic Relations, better know as CAIR. 

Grounded in her belief that Muslims are being treated as second class citizens in America, Ilhan made an apparently tone-deaf observation during her 21-minute speech, that The 9/11 attacks amounted to, “Some people did something.”  This made headlines, especially after some conservative politicians pounced.  But notice, I said her remark was ‘apparently tone-deaf’ because I detect ‘something’ deliberate here.  Can you guess what that is?    
Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw said, in a Tweet, ‘First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as “some people who did something”. Unbelievable.’ 

President Donald Trump afterwards posted a video of the demolition of The Twin Towers as backdrop to Ilhan’s words, “Some people did something,” which led Ilhan and her supporters to accuse Crenshaw and The President of encouraging death threats to be made against her, which predictably led to Omar’s supporters taking to the streets with signs, and onto Twitter with a digital rally under the hash tag ‘We stand with Ilhan.’ 

However, if you think the statement ‘some people did something’ was not a piece of carefully crafted rhetoric, that achieved the desired effect, I can get you a really great deal on The Brooklyn Bridge and throw in The George Washington Bridge if you act today.

The news media said Ilhan’s comment ‘some people did something’ was taken out of context.  Fair enough.  I rose to the challenge and actually watched her entire speech for ‘the context.’  I watched it more than once actually, and I can state with certitude that the exact quote is, ‘CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.’ 

The first part of that statement is factually incorrect.  CAIR was … founded in 1992, same year The Omar family immigrated to the United States from Somalia.  Ilhan’s Wikipedia page, noting the gaffe, slapped a nice little fig leaf on it by saying that many Muslims joined CAIR after 9/11. 

The second part of that quote about losing access to civil liberties is a vital, stand-alone topic, serious enough that it should extend beyond the experiences of this or that individual ethnic group.  Mainstream media’s elision of this from the quote says a lot about broadcast journalism’s gutless nature because they’d rather run with the ‘poor Ilhan is being targeted’ spin than anything she said in her March 23 speech.  We’ll get into that later.

Using The Christchurch Mosque shooting from eight days earlier as a frame of reference, her sunny disposition reinforced by saying things like, “I also want the lights so I can see your beautiful faces,” and love Trumps hate, Rep. Ilhan Omar went into a grievance-based speech that began as an attack on President Trump. 

Ilhan quotes The President as saying, “Muslims hate us.”  Now I know Donald Trump has made numerous statements that are construed as Islamophobic by the people who loathe him, many of these statements made before he was President, but does he really hate Muslims? 

Donald Trump may not be the most eloquent off-the-cuff speaker I’ve ever heard, but was he talking about ‘all Mulims’ as Ilhan would lead us to believe, or Al Qaeda, ISIS and radical Islam in general? 

See, I don’t really care what Donald Trump says or how he says is.  I care about what he does.  And I would ask Ilhan this: did Donald Trump say, ‘Muslims hate us’ before he went on his first Presidential visit to Saudi Arabia where he put his hands on the glowing glass globe, or after?  Did Donald Trump say, ‘Muslims hate us’ before he invited Saudi Crown Prince Mohmmed bin Salman into The Oval Office, or after?  Did Donald Trump say, ‘Muslims hate us’ before he pushed for selling billions of dollars in military hardware to Saudi Arabia, or after?  If Donald Trump had said, “Some people hate us,” Rep. Omar might have been okay with it.  But I doubt it.

There was also Rep. Omar’s mischaracterization of the so called ‘Muslim Ban’, a highly media driven issue with its focus on protests that sprang to life in airports and other places all around the country, for the cameras I might add, that was actually a travel ban on Middle Eastern nations whose vetting processes for travelers to the US were not meeting new government security standards, a move the Obama administration had also made at one point. 

Unfortunately, Ilhan neglects to mention that Trump’s travel restrictions to Muslim countries had some notable exceptions.  Saudi Arabia was not on the list.  Egypt was not on the list.  Indonesia, which I believe has the world’s largest Muslim population, was not on the list.  Instead there were countries like the failed state that is now Libya, (a gift from the Obama administration, mostly brought to you by Hillary Clinton); Iran was on the list, no surprise there.  Somalia?  Well since Rep. Omar’s family comes from Somalia, no wonder she wants to love The President to death.

No, it’s mostly a victimhood speech.  Ilhan informs us that American Muslims are viewed with suspicion by their fellow citizens.  Since she’s speaking to the home-town crowd, so to speak, this is accepted as a given with no corroborating evidence necessarily required. 

This allows Ilhan the latitude to bounce into a blatant bit of fear-mongering about Muslims being denied medical services because they are not viewed as fully human.  At the very least, this is an insult to the honor of the medical profession, in America and around the world.  Because of the ethic, ‘Do no harm,’ any hospital, any doctor, any nurse doing such a thing would have their licenses revoked.  If any cop ever refused to deliver a Muslim baby in the backseat of a taxi cab, that cop would never survive the scrutiny of such an action.  Hey Ilhan, give us a little credit for being professionals around here, huh?    

But after saying such sweet-sounding rubbish, Ilhan then effortlessly slips into a fanciful what-if story about a high school student being sent to the principal’s office, for questioning a school curriculum that teaches Muslim equals terrorist.  If that actually happened, I’d like to know where.  If it can never be proven to have happened, Ilhan should consider a career in writing children’s books after she loses her next Congressional election.

So, we return to the words at the heart of this latest skirmish in the culture wars, “Some people did something.”  We should note that this statement is factually true.  If I were some linguist, and put that statement through a ‘truth table,’ it would sail through like a marble swallowed by a baby.  But it is also an incredibly trite statement.  Imagine me saying something like, “Pearl Harbor.  Some people did something.”  Again, factually accurate, but considering America’s entry into World War Two and the historic events that followed, I would sound like a complete idiot.  Ilhan Omar, however, is not a complete idiot.  She knows exactly what she’s doing. 

Notice what she doesn’t say.  She doesn’t say the word jihad.  She doesn’t mention the name Al Qaeda.  Is it because she doesn’t want to?  Why would that be?

I’ll venture a partial guess.  Is it possibly Rep. Omar said what she said because she had not watched the events of 9/11 in real time like I did?  I was watching The Today Show on 9/11.  The last guest on the show before the attacks began was Harry Belafonte.  (I wonder if Harry’s buddy Fidel Castro was watching?)  The next guest up was Tracy Ullman, but news footage of a plane having crashed into The North Tower of The Word Trade center interceded.  

Later I watched the second plane crash into The South Tower and I knew that I was watching people die.  And here’s something else.  Flight 93 flew over The South Side of Pittsburgh, following The Monongahela River, two miles or so from my apartment.  If I had been standing on the roof of my apartment building at the right time and looked south, I would’ve seen that plane. 

Over the next four days I only got three hours of sleep a night.  When I was awake, all I did was sit on the couch and watch televison.  It was only until I started seeing TV commercials return on Friday that I got a sense that things were returning to normal.  After the way my brain got fried watching Flight 175 crash into The South Tower, after everything that followed, there is no way I could ever trivialize the attacks of 9/11 or the nearly 3000 deaths that occurred, like Ilhan.                                        

Because her statement was so disrespectful, Rep. Ilhan Omar’s ‘some people did something’ got the wheels turning in my head.  If you’ve taken time to study 9/11, and viewed its effects globally, you should know how The Middle East thinks about the attacks. 

I asked a friend of mine who had lived in Egypt what the Muslim world believes happened on 9/11.  He said, “They think it was an inside job.”  That’s the general view.  The specific view is, “The Mossad did it.” 

I said earlier that there was something deliberate in Ilhan’s words.  What’s deliberate is this – she’s not talking to the American people, she’s talking past them.  Don’t kid yourself.  As the first Somali naturalized American citizen to be elected to The United States House of Representatives, her words have global reach, and I guarantee you ‘some people did something thing’ played over and over again in The Middle East.  It was meant to.  She’s a superstar over there.  On the cover of Vogue Saudi Arabia?  Ah ha ha ha …

Sometimes, things unsaid are louder than things which are. Ilhan Omar does not speak the name Al Qaeda.  And like I pointed out, The Islamic World does not wish to believe Al Qaeda was behind The 9/11 attacks.  An old 9/11 Truther like Alex here, who believes in his heart of hearts that 9/11 is an Insufficiently Investigated Crime, wonders if he’s looking at someone who at some basic level, shares his views.

Here is where the failure of big stinking corporate mainstream media comes in.  Nobody in broadcast journalism had the integrity to ask Rep. Ilhan Omar who she thinks the ‘some people’ were.  That’s because broadcast journalism doesn’t want to know. 

Was Rep. Omar dog whistling an Islamic World that doesn’t buy The United States Government’s official account of what happened on 9/11?  Is The US Representative from Minnesota's 5th congressional district hiding the fact that she’s a secret 9/11 truther?  Well if she is, she’s got some nerve when she says during her speech, “I speak The Truth.”  Here I’m not talking about the words she says; I’m talking about the words she thinks.

If Rep. Ilhan Omar was a vocal 9/11 Truther in the manner of Alex Jones, would she have ended up on the covers of Time Magazine, Newsweek or The Rolling Stone?  I think not.  If Chuck Todd had Rep. Ilhan Omar on Meet The Press, and asked her directly who she thought these ‘some people’ were, would Ilhan say, Al Qeada?  And if she said, “No,” or waffled on her answer, her media attention would dry-up in a flash.  When it comes right down to it, big stinking cowardly corporate media has thrown its arms around her.  That they are giving her a pass on the 9/11 comment is as obvious as missing front teeth. 

If, as has been said, Muslims are under no obligation to tell infidels the truth, some people somewhere in the Muslim world might be saying, “Foolish Hamericans.  Bwahahaha.”

Saturday, May 4, 2019

YouTube Comment to Tim Pool about Laura Loomer and racketeering.

I put this comment on one of Styxhexenhammer666's last videos and it's about Laura Loomer and racketeering. I think Laura is an ancillary issue to the free speech debate. She may be the individual referred to as deceiving her supporters. If she really is a crook, this could be the wedge activist media will use on the rest of us content creators. I'm trying to expose the wedge first. 'To Styxhexenhammer666: I'm trying to do you a favor by giving you information about Laura Loomer that you don't know, but I don't seem to be getting through. Stay away from mentions of Laura Loomer because she engages in racketeering. Here's how it works. She trespasses on the property of California Gov. Gavin Newsom by walking on his property wearing a sombrero. She videos herself trespassing, she videos herself getting arrested, then posts the evidence on line. She's going to go before a Judge at some point over this so she sends out fundraising emails asking for money for her legal defense fund. (I got one.) If she puts evidence of her guilt on line ... there's no defense to fund! And she did this before when she stormed the stage at the New York Shakespeare Festival. I wonder if some of the money she raised for her legal defense fund back then paid for her $5000 nose job. Also, can you be sure she isn't some stalking horse who's antics are meant to accelerate censorship? Can you be sure she isn't an asset to some foreign intelligence service? I can't say if she really is (I have my suspicions including a Tweet where she says she's had intelligence training). But can you be sure she isn't? Every time you mention that little crook's name I'm calling you out on it.' Is Laura Loomer engaging in 'wire fraud'? Last week Laura went to Jack Dorsey's home and projected images on his garage door. This sounds like criminal harassment if you ask me, or at least disturbing the peace. I would've called the cops. Is there a possibility that Laura and Jacob Wohl are deliberately trying to make things worse for the rest of us? If that's true I'm trying to beat activist media to the punch. I'll send you something in a Tweet to bolster my case. Please click on #RedPillBill for videos of me singing my little heart out.

YouTube comment to Styxhexenhammer666 about Laura Loomer and racketeering.

I'm trying to do you a favor by giving you information about Laura Loomer that you don't know, but I don't seem to be getting through. Stay away from mentions of Laura Loomer because she engages in racketeering. Here's how it works. She trespasses on the property of California Gov. Gavin Newsom by walking on his property wearing a sombrero. She videos herself trespassing, she videos herself getting arrested, then posts the evidence on line. She's going to go before a Judge at some point over this so she sends out fundraising emails asking for money for her legal defense fund. (I got one.)

If she puts evidence of her guilt on line ... there's no defense to fund! And she did this before when she stormed the stage at the New York Shakespeare Festival. I wonder if some of the money she raised for her legal defense fund back then paid for her $5000 nose job. Also, can you be sure she isn't some stalking horse who's antics are meant to accelerate censorship? Can you be sure she isn't an asset to some foreign intelligence service? I can't say if she really is (I have my suspicions including a Tweet where she says she's had intelligence training). But can you be sure she isn't? Every time you mention that little crook's name I'm calling you out on it.