Friday, March 31, 2017

Did I ever tell you my RoboCop Story? (Please. No. Not again.)

Date Created. 5/9/2008 7:40:00 PM
Date Posted. 5/9/2008 7:25:00 PM

Michael Miner, one of the co-screenwriters for RoboCop, comes from the same area of Southwestern Pennsylvania that I do.  In fact, we have a mutual friend.

So one night I pop RoboCop into the VCR to see it for the first time, and imagine my surprise when I find out that Peter Weller plays policeman Alex J. Murphy since my name happens to be Alex J. Tamsula. 

It gets even better.  Across the railroad tracks near my apartment is the site of the old Union Switch and Signal factory. They shot the factory scenes in the movie there before the place was torn down. It's now a shopping plaza.

What can I say?  Stay out of trouble.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Alex crying in his beer.

Date Created: 4/30/2008 8:32:00 PM
Date Posted: 4/30/2008 8:34:00 PM

Hillary Clinton has the common touch and I don't.  What a sobering realization that was.  Actually I'm not surprised she connects so well with blue-collar voters.  She's gritty.  She understands the issues inside and out; therefore she can convince people that she really does care about their concerns.  I come from a blue-collar family myself and the folks identified with that hue don't even want to hear my take on the Clinton's career of ethical lapses, skating from an irresponsibility here to irresponsibility there, letting some other poor slob take the fall for them.  Remember Les Aspin, Bill Clinton's Secretary of Defense, who fell on his sword because of the Black Hawk Down debacle in Somalia?  Les was forced to resign and six months later he succumbs to a heart attack.  I'm tempted to add him to my list of people whose deaths were remarkably beneficial to the Clintons but the blue-collar folks have no interest in hearing it.

That's not saying blue-collar folks are bad or dumb.  They have issues of survival on their minds and the story I tell is way too fantastic.  (Although not really.  Almost everybody underestimates the Clintons and what they are capable of.  Not me.)  Hillary is very good at shaking hands with workers on an assembly line because there's nothing fantastic about the bread and butter issues.  She's got, "We'll fix that. We'll fix that," down cold.  That's the common touch.  I can't create that 'aura of hope', that Clinton nimbus around Hillary she learned to wear so well from Bill.  I just don't like myself that much if I over-promise and lie through my teeth.

Like Charlie Daniels has said, "A rich man goes to college and a poor man goes to work."  My family wasn't rich, but I managed to go to college because there was one up the road.  What did I study there?  English Literature and Political Science, which probably leaves me fit to practice in only one area - political language.  And that's what I do - I think about Hillary Clinton's use of political language.  The problem is, there isn't much of it I believe. 

My political arguments tend pretty much towards The Salon variety, not the stuff a candidate might hear visiting a shop floor.  Why talk that way if you were smart like Hillary?  She wants your support and if you support her she can be treacly.  If you don't support her she'll want to beat the living shit out of you.  Hillary shaking hands at the plant gate and Hillary in Washington DC are two separate animals.

The blue-collar folks should understand this but the dynamic tension between me and them is clear - I eat this stuff like popcorn and Joe Six Pack can't wait until it's all over.  But just for the sake of argument let's say Joe Six comes up to me and said, "Awright, Kissinger.  Look into your crystal ball and tell me, what are we going to get with under Hillary."

I'd say, "I only have a minor degree in the subject but I'll give it a shot."  So let's take Hillary at her word: 'I'm a fighter.'  What does that mean?  If she's elected President and goes to Washington, eventually she'll deliberately picks fights with the Hannity-Limbaugh contingent in the US Congress.  Suddenly we're back into the same 'Never Give An Inch' games that we've been seeing in Washington since ... well, since Newt Gingrich gave Speaker of The House Jim Wright the boot for 'ethical lapses'.  Unlike Barack Obama, who I believe genuinely wants to reach across the aisle and work with the other Party to make America better, Hillary may only want to create 'issues' which congressional candidates can run on in the 2010 elections.  She did say, 'Your not going to get Universal Health Coverage for two years.'  Gee, just in time for the 2010 elections.

"I think her only goal is to clear the House and Senate of as many Republicans as she can and she'll waste the people's business for two years getting that done, demonizing the Republicans, calling them obstructionist.  Who can blame her?  As the leader of The Democratic Party that would be her job.  But who will be her willing participants in this exercise in Politics As Usual?  The Hannity-Limbaugh contingent in The Congress who'll be forced to 'fight fire with fire' one more disheartening time.  All I can say is, they must think we're idiots

Consider this.  Rush Limbaugh has been preaching the gospel of 'those that govern least, govern best,' for the past twenty-five years now?  I used to buy into that until I started seeing our bridges and roadways crumble.  Now I think, hey, we can use a little governance here.  And wasn't Hillary supposed to chair some sub-committee after the I-39 bridge collapse to look into our ailing infrastructure?  I guess she was supposed to ride at pothole covered road right into The White House but that never happened.  Never happened?  When it's all said and done, I hope my blue-collar brethren don't end up saying, about what they were promised, 'Never happened.'"

Hillary Clinton, President.  Rush Limbaugh, America's Anchorman who doesn't accept the fact that yes we can sell electricity back to the electric company.  There's the big stage of American politics for you - and nothing will get done.  But to be fair I should say I do believe Hillary will create jobs - for every political consultant you can stomach pleasing the ultimate Boss From Hell.

But there's plenty to do.  She's got a House and a Senate to clear don't cha know. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

So who or what is an elitist anyhow?

Date Created: 4/16/2008 8:32:00 AM
Posted Date: 4/16/2008 7:01:00 AM

Once again we are presented with another stellar example of Hillary Clinton's 'throw it against the wall, see if it'll stick' style of non-campaigning.  On Monday here in Pittsburgh Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton spoke before The Alliance for American Manufacturing, and during Sen. Clinton's speech she said she was disappointed in Sen. Obama supposed 'elitist' comments about guns and religion.  "I'm sure you are too," she said.

She got jeered for that condescending tone.  Actually she got jeered not necessarily because of the Obama put-down but because once again she's telling other people what they should think.  You know?  And why wouldn't these real-world union folks be offended?  She's trying to browbeat people with a schoolmarm's tone, and isn't brow beating with a schoolmarm's tone the heart of Politically Correct?  "I know better than you, sweetie."  Pardon me while a sit down on a Whoopie Cushion.

The temptation here is to jump all over the irony of The Queen of PC, with her Globalist connections to The Council of Foreign Relations and The Bilderberg Group, accusing ANYBODY of being elitist.  But that's so old hat it really doesn't get anybody anywhere.  The evil genius of team Clinton is they've been spouting such crap for so long, decades, mixing in 'I feel your pain' with 'who can I get away with stabbing in the back and who I can't,' that their artful phoniness has a laminated quality to it.  If you like the Clintons all you see it the smoothness.  If you dislike the Clintons all you see is ... the smoothness. 

Back in Arkansas of course they called Bill Clinton 'Slick Willy' and that should have served as a WARNING WARNING WARNING to the rest of America, but instead it turned into a joke that kept the late night talk show comics rolling in clover.  Eight years of a Bill Clinton administration lulled us into a false sense of security.  Nine month into the Bush administration and boom we get hit with 9/11, an atrocity six years in the planning (or so we're told).  Is there a connection between the Clinton's whirlpool of celebrity and bafflegab and 3000 dead?  If there is, what's so funny about that?

Nothing, and I'm in no mood to press the obvious point: "Look at the elitist calling somebody else an elitist."  That's too easy and considering the genuine rottenness of the Clinton's, it's shallow.  Plus there is a bigger insight to be made about Hillary's remarks before Union Members here in Pittsburgh.  Hillary is a non-thinker telling other people how they should think.  Now how scary is that?

What do I mean by non-thinker?  In my opinion Hillary has never had an original idea in her head her entire life.  She steals ideas from everybody else.  Remember The Clinton's spoof of The Soprano's finale for a campaign ad?  Oh how cutting-edge.  Or how about where the Obama Campaign says, "Yes we can," and the Clinton hacks turn it around into, "Yes she can."  She's even stolen from me.  "Nobody has every compared me to Dick Cheney before."  Oh really?  Then call me The Man With No Name.  Ai ai yaaa.  Wah wah wah.

Which takes us back to the subject line of this blog post:  So who or what is an elitist anyhow?  According to my hand-dandy Webster's New World College Dictionary an elitist is someone, "of, having, or advocating elitism.  One who advocates elitism.  A person who is or who believes himself or herself to be a member of an elite group."

Being a United States Senator is being a member of an elite group, isn't it?  Like I said, a non-thinker telling us what to think.  Who needs MK Ultra when you've got Hillary turning millions of brains into mush.    

Here's a suggetion - during a Hillary Clinton speech, stick you fingers in your ears.  You won't feel the need to jeer.  And when it comes right down to it, isn't that a better way to live? 

Friday, March 24, 2017

Some hinky pizza shop.

Honestly Dave, I think you should expand your focus a little when it comes to covering child trafficking. For example - Jerry Sandusky's The Second Mile nonprofit was probably as egregious as any hinky pizza shop when it came to supplying young boys to well heeled peados, who most likely were 'contributors' to Sandusky's foundation (wink wink). Sandusky maintains his innocense, never copped a plea so he never had to name names. And his son was recently busted for possessing kiddie porn. How's that? I'm from Pennyslvania and believe me, there's a lot to this just under the surface.

Is 13 the new 11?

Date Created: 8/4/2007 5:46:00 PM
Posted Date: 8/4/2007 5:41:00 PM

Readers of my blogs will recall my interest in the subject of crypto fascism, defined loosely as the codes used by crooks to communicate with each other surreptitiously.  There is a division of The FBI devoted to this branch of criminology.  Recently I saw a segment about it on The NBC Nightly News with Brian Willaims.

I'm into the study of numerical crypto fascism as I saw in great abundance on 9/11, the number 11 as a motif and resembling a double slash, so even Flight 77 that crashed into The Pentagon falls into this set.

Well forget about the number 11.  Now look for the number 13 in movies, TV shows, commercials.

I took The McDonald's logo with the line 'I'm loving it' underneath and I rotated the whole unit 45 degrees clockwise.  I don't know but it sure looks like a 13 to me.  (The reason I thought of this is because I actually saw it done in a McDonald's TV ad during a football game.)  The people at McDonald's should give the hairy eyeball to whoever dreamed-up that ad campaign. 

And Oceans 13?  Throw 'em all life preservers.

And if you haven't figured it out yet, please go to Mr. Brian Setzer's CD '13' and check out the thirteenth song, 'The Hennepin Avenue Bridge.'  Personally I find the song astonishing, including the priets who dives in the river at the end the song and goes over the falls laughing.

Then there’s the 1-35 Mississippi River bridge collapse in Minneapolis on August 1, 2007.  You could see The Mississippi River Bridge from The Hennepin Avenue Bridge.

I was such a big fan of his until Thursday.  What a goddamn shame.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Yasir, he loved them kids.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat kisses a child wearing a Kefiyeh bandana on the cheek, as hundreds of people gather at his partially destroyed Muqataa compound in the West Bank city of Ramallah in a show of support 16 September 2003. A top aide to Arafat proposed today an indefinite ceasefire with Israel, saying the Palestinian leadership could ensure respect for such a measure if Israel halted all its attacks and closures of the Palestinian territories. Israel swiftly dismissed the proposal.

Come with me to zee casbash, and we shall make zee beauuutiful music togethaaa ...

How to make a human bomb?

Now we are ready to see where the individual consciousness images come from.  As you will recall, we found that the presence of melanin in the brain give us a minimum consciousness time interval that agreed with what we had obtained experientially: about 0.04 second.  Now as data flow through the consciousness at a rate of nearly 50 million bits per second, all the data recieved in an interval of time equal to the length of the minimum consciousness time interval will be percieved as part of one image.  We referred to this in Chapter 11 as the consciousness field information capacity, represented by the letter F.  As pointed out in Appendix I, the product of the consciousness data rate, C, and the time interval give us the value F.  The result is 1.9 million bits in a single consciousness image.  That's our mind's TV picture!  This theoretical value for the consciousness field information capacity is almost the same value as the 2 million bit we obtained in Chapter 11 introspectively.

And this, by the way, is why the TV set is the size it is.  The TV set must provide enough picture information at any instant to supply this 2 million bits of information, and it must cycle these pictures 30 time a second to keep pace with the rate at which we consciously experience image.   The Physics of Consciousness.  Evan Harris Walker.  p.247

So my question is, is there a way that images can be beamed directly into somebody's head?  If you could, consider the possibilities.   

Monday, March 20, 2017


Cecil B. DeMille presents ... King of Kings.

Starring Hillary Clinton as Jesus.  "I was sleep deprived."

Gov. Bill Richardson as Judas.  "I’ve been at hostage negotiations friendlier than this."

James Carville as Gollum.  "She said she was referring to Osama bin Laden, but - "

Hugo Chavez as Pontius Pilate.  "Oh, senor Bush.  El Diablo."

Jamie Farr as Mary Magdalene.  "Does this dress make me look too hippy?"

Dick Cheney as Darth Vader.  "Grrr."

Rush Limbaugh as The Voice of God.  "Sitting in the Attila The Hun chair behind the gold EIB microphone."

Billy Gibbons as St. Matthew.  "Take me with you, Jesus."

Mel Gibson as St. Peter.  "Hello, sugar halos."

Glenn Beck as Satan’s Retarded Younger Brother.   "I need a gay man now!"

Bill Clinton as Elvis.  "Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh."

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Rufus The Centurion.  "Give me your clothes." 

Sen. John McCain as Sen. John McCain.  "I get it."

And introducing Alex Tamsula as
Satan Himself.

Yesterday I remote viewed Michael Caine if you can beleive that.

Date Created: 3/20/2008 8:18:00 AM
Posted Date 3/20/2008 8:10:00 AM

It look me a while to figure it out.  A week after I received my ’flight squadron’ nick-name The Joker, and made that the name of my other profile page, Heath Ledger was no longer with us.  Very sad and very strange.

And then there’s the bit about ’Rolled-Up Dollar Bill’ but we won’t get into that.

I’m a big fan, Mr. Caine.  Loved you in The Man Who Would Be King, plus a lot of other things.


Oswald Talked: The New Evidence in the JFK Assassination (Hardcover) by Ray and Mary La Fontaine. Pelican Publishing Company, Gretna 1997.

Blurb on the back cover by Oliver Stone.  "Oswald Talked: The New Evidence in the JFK Assassination contains fascinating, new, and authentic information.  The La Fontaines are sober but extraordinary investigators who, over 30 years later, have unearthed fresh leads that you will never see mentioned in the mainstream media.  Why?"

Friday, March 17, 2017

It's three AM, and your children are safe and asleep.

But there’s a phone in The White House and it’s ringing.  Something is happening in the world.  Who do you want answering the phone?


"Hey, man.  It’s me, Dave, man."


"Dave, man.  It’s me."


"Yeah, man."

"Dave’s not here."

"No man.  It’s me.  It’s Dave.  Dave."



"Dave?  Dave’s not here."

"Nooo man, it’s me.  It’s Dave.  IT’S DAVE."


"Yeah, man."


"Yeah, man."



"Dave’s not here."

"Oh maaan ... "

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Crypto-Fascism Today March 11, 2008

Date Created: 3/11/2008 7:28:00 PM
Posted Date: 3/11/2008 7:57:00 PM

In the world of Crypto-Fascism, where criminals use secret codes to communicate, is there anything special about the date March 11?  Perhaps, but I'll get to that in a little bit.  First I'd like to give you today's Evening Daily number in the Pennsylvania State Lottery:

344.  Now subtract 344 from a thousand and you get 666.  I learned that in Crypto-Fascism 101.  Since we all know lotteries can't be fixed, this must be a silly coincidence.

Now getting back to the date March 11.  March 11, 1970 was the release date for George Lucas's first movie, THX 1138.  Now being the big movie fan that I am I also remembered a similar alpha numeric appearing in George Lucas's second movie, American Graffiti.  THX 738.  It's on the license plate of John's hot rod.

I never really thought much about the occurrence of the THX numbers until one day I'm reading an entry in the Appendix of Simon Weisenthal's The Murders Among Us: The Memoirs of The World's Most Relentless Nazi-Hunter. 

"Kristallmacht [Crystal Night].  On November 7, 1938, (11/7/38) Legationssekretar Erwin von Rath, a diplomat at the German Embassy in Paris, was assassinated my Hershel Gruenspan, a Polish Jew.  By way of reprisal, Reinhard Heydrich ordered all synagogues in Germany and Austria burned and destroyed on the night of November ninth (11/9/38).  Jewish stores were looted.  The Nazis remember the Kristallmacht because the streets were covered with broken pieces of glass from the smashed shop windows of Jewish stores, hence the name.

THX 1138 THX 738.  I don't know about you but seeing these numbers appearing in both places makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.  So are you going to tell me a smart guy like George Lucas wouldn't know the second meaning to these numbers?  And why would George Lucas do something like that?  I think I know - more than likely to give that sick fuck buddy of his Joe Tamboola a big smile.  (I was going to say give Joe a chubby but Joe was of indeterminate gender.)  

Joe Tamboola once said to me, "Wouldn't you like to see a movie where the bad guy wins?"

I said, "No."

So what else was going on in Crypto-Fascism Today?  Oh yeah, the Clintons were in Pennsylvania, campaigning.

One last thing.  March 11, 2004, The Madrid Train Bombings.  Nine hundred and eleven days after Sept. 11, 2001.  Time stamp of surveillance footage at the moment of the blast: 11:38 AM.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ever tell you about the time we went to Chicago?

Round trip from Pittsburgh to Chicago then back in under sixteen hours.  We'd tell people we did this and they'd say, "That's impossible."  We'd just shrug.

The reason for the quick turn-around was because we were in Chicago for only an hour and a half.  There was a specific place we wanted to visit, the closed for the evening offices of a board gaming company.

See, Smiler also manufactured board games.  One was this economic railroad game, the game's playing surface a laminated mil-spec map showing where the mines are in Western regions of the United States. 

You could draw on the laminate surface with a crayon and using your play money to pay you could draw your rail line, stretch by stretch, to the various mine.  Once you reached a mine you could turn a profit.  In the summer of 2002 I was thinking about that board game and had a nasty question pop into my head: who else, besides board gamers, could use mil-spec maps of American mines that you could draw on with a crayon?

Anyway at the back of the board game company's building I watched Smiler do a little dumpster diving to retrieve some critical date from this company he considered a competitor.  He also said one time he hacked into their computer system.  I asked him how he did it and he said, "I told their computer I was its daddy."

Smiler drove out to Chicago, I drove back.  I was The Wheelman from Hell that night.  The last hour home I drove in my sleep.  

So I got my start in industrial espionage and it's been a quick climb up the ladder of success ever since.    

When are you gonna give me a baby?

Lex, it's not every mad-scientist dad that can pull off what you pulled off.  I've got to hand it to you.  You hold all four aces.  Nobody wants to touch you.  Except me.  I just don't give a jolly gosh darn.

Now I know the secret of your success, because I remember what you told me over twenty years ago: "Using a condom is like talking a shower in a raincoat."  Back then I thought, "To each is own."  

But today, as I reminisce about the past twenty years, I'm beginning to wonder if you ever met an ovum you didn't want to fertilize, and I just don't mean you cloning yourself the good old fashion method of being a true Don Juan.  I'm also talking about sperm donation and in vitro fertilization.  And it's not that you can't take care of them all, you big rich son of a bitch you, because no matter how many young-uns you've produced, I know you have the resources to keep track of each and every one of them.

"When are you gonna give me a baby?  When are you gonna give me a baby?"  

I remote-viewed some naked chick with really nice tits saying that back in 2002.  When it happened, I couldn't for the life of me understand where it was coming from or why it was even happening.  But now I know: you were thinking about me for an instant and I remote-viewed that scene.  Aww, Lex .  I think about you too.

So how many progeny do you have out there?  Enough to fill the roster of a Major League Baseball team with enough folks left over for coach, assistant coaches, GM, scouts, front office people, upper management, sales and the farm club?  Heck, you could even make The Newspaper Man your VP.  You remember Newspaper Mandon't you? The guy who looks like you only ten times twitcher.

And had the same name as you.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

I'm not quite there yet.

Okay I've got a question for Corbett. I'll preface by saying I've seen your excellent round table discussion Pedophiles Run the Government and No One Gives a Damn. So let's say child trafficking ( or illegal weapons trafficking or the narcotics trade) is an international endeavor. How would a peer-to-peer society, which sounds like local governance to me, deal with something like international criminal activity? Wouldn't you need the equivalence of some sort of Federal Law Enforcement, with resources and manpower and labs, to make a case you could win? I've had some small experience with people connected to Organized Crime and these folks have resources (the best legal representation money can buy, embedded intelligence gathering capabilites that rival The CIA, no need for scruples) that can fight local law enforcement to a draw. Part of me likes your defintion of The Anarchist, but as you can see I'm not quite there yet.

You don't even need to look that one up.

Date Created: 1/22/2008 10:47:00 AM
Posted Date: 1/22/2008 8:41:00 AM

A couple of weeks ago, on January 13, 2008, Sen. Hillary Clinton appeared on Meet The Press with Tim Russert.  She was scheduled for the entire hour and of course I was going to watch.

As I had said in an earlier blog post, I find listening to her to be a mind-numbing experience, and not just because it was more of the same old mental baby-food the Clintons have been pureeing and spoon-feeding to the most gullible among us since 1992.  (Mr. Russert:  "Your two brothers proposed people for pardons and you were paid money.  One brother, you asked to give the money back ... Were you aware your brothers were involved?"  Sen. Clinton: "No, I was not.")  If you believe that, I can get you a great price on The Brooklyn Bridge.  I say this because her answer reminded me of William Safire's characterization of Hillary as a 'congenital liar'.  (Lack of ethics runs in the family?")

And it wasn't just the usual Clinton double-talk where she says, "You have a woman running to break the highest and hardest glass ceiling," and then in the next breath says, "I don't think either of us want to inject race or gender in this campaign."  Isn't talking about 'breaking the glass ceiling' injecting gender in this campaign?  Is this injecting done with a syringe or a turkey baster?

And it wasn't just the endless stream of brow-beater 'you knows' as in, "No matter what I say, it's the truth because I put it inside your head already, you know."  She did throw in a 'You know' with a question mark after it.  I guess she was trying to break up the monotony.

No, the mind-numbing came from listening to someone trying to make me think they're smarter than they really are, and there's only one word for that: Phony.  Now I've always felt that Bill and Hillary Clinton where two of the biggest phonies our country every let loose on the world stage, and I'm just going to have learn not to get sick whenever I'm reminded of it.

So here is the quote from Hillary's Meet The Press appearance that put a cap-stone on it for me: "So we still have to overcome barriers and obstacles.  And the very fact that Barack and I are in this campaign, each of us having won one of the first two contests, being prepared to take our case to the country, I think will do more to put to rest so many of these old shibboleths, and all of the, you know, kind of commentary and punditry.  Just look at us as individuals."

I heard her use the word 'shibboleth' and since I already knew what the word meant, I was pretty sure she was using it wrong.  But just to be thorough, I decided to check my Webster's New World College Dictionary.

Shibboleth.  1 the test word used by the men of Gilead to distinguish the escaping Ephraimites, who pronounced the initial (sh) as (s): Judges 12: 4-6.

Okay, that's the first definition of shibboleth, its historical origin, and going by that alone her use of the word is complete gibberish.  However there were two more definitions of the word so to be fair let's check them out too, to see if we can figure out what 'old shibboleths' Hillary wants to 'put to rest.'

2 any test word or password.

Well, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense either.  She wants to put to rest 'any test word or password'?  She could be talking about National Security in a way that's over the head of any American without at least three Ph.ds in Government studies, but I doubt it.

3 any phrase, custom, ect. distinctive of a particular party, class, etc.

Let's see if this works: "I think will do more to put to rest so many of these old phrases, customs, etc. distinctive of a particular party or class, etc."

Hillary wants to put to rest phrases and customs 'distinctive of a particular party or class'?  So is there a particular party or class she has in mind to shut-up?  The Republican Party?  The Upper Class?  Right-Wing blowtorch radio?  Anybody who won't vote for her?  Is she saying she wants to put to rest 'commentary and punditry'?  Danger danger, Keith Olbermann.

Or, if a woman or African-American hasn't been elected President of The United States yet, that's because of some 'old custom'?  'Old custom' almost works if I think about it while doing a yoga head stand but aah ... that still doesn't help. 

Now maybe there's some arcane use of the word shibboleth in the Oxford English Dictionary that's she aware of and I'm not, but that seems unlikely since the essence of the word shibboleth as refered to in The Bible means some tag identifying a group.  All in all it means 'protection' but to be honest folks, when it comes to Hillary's use of the word I really have no idea what she's talking about.

And you know what's scary?  I don't she knows what she's talking about either.

I have my word for the way she talks to the American people: Bafflegab.  And you don't even need to look that one up.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Bill The Neo Con

On February 18, 1998 President Bill Clinton went to the Pentagon and delivered a speech about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and his links to "an unholy axis of terrorists, drug traffickers, and organized international criminals." Clinton said: "We have to defend our future from these predators of the 21st century.  They will be all the more lethal if we allow them to build arsenals of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. We simply cannot allow that to happen. There is no more clear example of this threat than Saddam Hussein."

I read Malcolm Gladwell's Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, his terrific follow-up to 'The Tipping Point.'  In Chapter four of 'Blink' Gladwell tells of us of The Millennium Challenge of 02, a Pentagon war game that lasted 2 ½ years and cost a quarter of a billion dollars. 

It was the largest war game in US Military History, and the target of the game was a rogue military commander in the Persian Gulf having broken with his government yet with 'a considerable power base from strong religious and ethnic loyalties, and was harboring and sponsoring four different terrorist organizations.'  Threatening to plunge the entire region into war, he's one hell of a rouge commander, isn't he?  So who's the most likely model for this scoundrel?  Saddam?  As I read this chapter in Gladwell's book, I couldn't help thinking the Pentagon was gaming for the next war.

And that would be in Iraq.  The war game ended when Operation Iraqi Freedom began.

There was an interesting little factual tidbit here and if you Blinked you missed it - The Millennium Challenge had begun in August of 2000, four months before George Bush was elected President, six months before he took the oath.  As I read Chapter four I was astonished to realize the Pentagon was war-gaming with Iraq in mind ... while Bill Clinton was still President.

Go Bill.

She Persisted.

"The list of beneficiaries of Clinton's last-minute clemency orgy was as eclectic as one could imagine: small and big time crooks, con men, bank robbers, terrorists, relatives, ex-girlfriends, a cross section of the Clinton cabinet, a former director of the CIA, perjurers (appropriately enough) tax evaders, fugitive money lenders, Clinton campaign contributors, former members of Congress, and friends of Jesse Jackson.  The sheer number of pardons and clemency grants, coupled with their timing the last day of the Clinton Presidency and the first day of Bush Two staggered the press and smothered the story.  Details would have to come later and they were both hard to uncover and slow to reveal."
                                                       Barbara Olsen,  'The Final Days'.  p. 123

Ms. Olson also tells related two of Bill Clinton's more interesting actions: a grant clemency to Susan Rosenberg, a member of a Weather Underground cell that set off a bomb in the Capitol Building back in 1978; and Bill pardoning members of the FALN, a Puerto Rican separatist group responsible for a string of bombing in Chicago, New York, and Washington from 1974 to 1883, leaving a number of people dead, crippled, and blinded. 

Barbara Olson.  She Persisted.

Dear Friend:

Date Created: 12/7/2007 6:46:00 PM
Posted Date: 12/7/2007 6:39:00 PM

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns with me via e-mail.  I hope you will understand that, because of the volume of e-mails I receive from residents of New York State, I cannot at this time respond to messages received from residents of other states.  I encourage you to contact your U.S. senators if you have an issue or concern that needs immediate attention.  You can access your senators electronically by visiting

for a listing of their contact information.  If you are still interested in learning more about the work I am doing on behalf of New York State, I hope you will continue to monitor my work through my website at


Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
New York State

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Did Michael Moore finger Nick Berg for Death?

Date Created: 11/30/2007 7:17:00 PM
Posted Date: 11/30/2007 6:23:00 PM

I sat through 'Bowling for Columbine' when it first came out a couple of years back, and after I did I did a little checking and found out what Michael Moore was not telling us. 

April 20th, the date of the Columbine shootings, was Adolph Hitler's birthday.  Now why didn't Moore mention that?  He thought the bombing of Croatia beginning on April 20, 1999 was important enough to mention.  Why not that? 

Could it be that mentioning Hilter's birthday would undercut Moore's thesis that the Columbine shootings were the result of American being a nation of gun-toting rubes?  If he mentioned that Klebold and Harris were twisted contemporary Nazi sympathizing shits, it would seem more likely that what caused Columbine was 19th Century European collectivism, by way of Bavarian Nationalism, by way of a murderous hatred for the Jewish people.  Whatever that shit is, it's not what I call 'America'. 

So why didn't Michael Moore say anything about Hitler's birthday?  Is it because in 'Bowling for Columbine' he interviews Marilyn Manson, whose namesake Charlie Manson has a swastika scratched between his eyebrows?

Also, since 'Bowling for Columbine' included footage of the World Trade Center attack of Sept 11, 2001, why didn't Moore tell us Dylan Bennet Klebold was born on September 11, 1981?

Why didn't Moore say Klebold had a notebook with sketches and a plan for hijacking a plane and flying it into the World Trade Center, (so writes Steven King in a New York Times Magazine article Sept 23, 2001)?  It must undercut that 'gun toting rube thesis'. 

In 'Bowling for Columbine' Moore takes a little detour in foreign policy (and Bush bashing of the forty-first President variety), saying the sanctions used against Iraq in the 1990's were immoral and responsible of the starvation deaths of thousands of Iraqi children.  Wait a minute.  Isn't that exactly the same reason as number six in Osama bin Laden's letter to the American people, Nov. 2003, were he explained why he attacked America and why he'll continue to attack?

"(f). You have starved the Muslims of Iraq, where children die every day. It is a wonder that more than 1.5 million Iraqi children have died as a result of your sanctions, and you did not show concern. Yet when 3000 of your people died, the entire world rises and has not yet sat down."

You mean to tell me Michael Moore and Osama bin Laden were on the same page about those sanctions against Iraq?  Holy shit, politics does make strange butt-buddies.  And isn't it funny how Osama explicitly links Iraq and 9/11, something nobody in America seems to have the guts to do?  All right, I'll do it.  If Saddam gave Al Qeada money (Ayman al-Zawahiri visiting Baghdad with his hand out in 1998 - 'A little something for the widows and orphans?') any amount whatsoever then Saddam is an accessory to 9/11.  People on the TV show Law and Order have been arrested for less.

Anyway, all the leftwing loudmouths ended up by saying, "Sanctions were working, sanctions were working," which is why the Iraq war was supposedly unnecessary.  Hold the phone - I thought the sanctions were immoral and responsible of the starvation deaths of thousands of Iraq children?  That's how leftwing loudmouths were stating it in the 90's.  But it seems that the Leftwing loudmouths of the New Millennium are now singing a different tune. 

So which is it: sanctions were immoral or sanctions were working?  You can't have it both ways, not that that will stop the toads from taking their cue from the Toad King, Michael Moore.

And it gets worse.  For the movie 'Fahrenheit 911' Michael Moore's film crew interviewed Nick Berg in Virginia in 2003.  Footage of Berg never made it into the final cut.

When a student in Minnesota, Nicholas Berg met al Qaeda operative Zacarias Moussaoui while riding a bus to class.  Berg, believe it or not, had allowed Moussaoui to use his computer which explains how Moussaoui got a hold of Nick Berg's password.  Nick Berg would eventually be interviewed by the FBI post 9-11 on this matter and would be cleared of any suspicion.

Eventually Nick Berg would head to Iraq to work for some NGO and would be famously murdered on tape by the late Al Qaeda operative Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.  A second encounter with Al Qaeda?  And I here thought, for the average American, the odds that you'd die from a bee sting were higher than you dying in a terrorist attack. 

I guess Nick Berg wasn't your average American.  When you think about, it is kind of strange how he ended up on the cutting-room floor twice.   

Hey, I got this colored coded.

Date Created: 11/29/2007 8:22:00 PM
Posted Date: 11/29/2007 7:56:00 PM

Readers of my blog will be familiar with Joe Tamboola, the name of a strange little man who befriended me in the Summer of 2000.  My old friend Joe - a sniveling little coward who once told me if he were ever sent to prison, he'd commit suicide; a giggling little fucktard who wanted to move to Guatemala because that's were they really hate Americans.  Because of that and a whole lot of other things, I've asserted numerous times that Joe may have been trying to recruit me to the terrorist cause.  If that's true, then what was happening in America a year before Sept. 11, 2001 was just as interesting as what came after.

Thirty years ago I was in college.  I'm in class one day and my English professor takes me by surprise by calling me 'Mr. Tamboola'.  My last name is Tamsula so I must have looked perplexed.  He explained to me that 'Tamboola' was a word used in the United Kingdom for that glass-case arcade game where you have the little steam shovel inside.  You know the kind, where you fire in the quarters and turn the crank so the steam shovel can drop its bucket and grab the stuffy puppy by the ass.  

So I heard the name 'Tamboola' for the first time way back in 1975.  Can you see why I like to stay freaked?  

Back in college thirty years ago, was somebody giving me a code word that wouldn't be needed until the year 2000?  Did somebody tag me?  Even as I type this I find that almost too incredible to believe yet, could it be possible somebody even back then was thinking about terrorists or Jihadists making a big move in 2001?  Who would be trying to plan that far ahead?  Who would be so incredibly patient?

All right if I had to guess I say Nazis in Switzerland, the kind preventing Holocaust survivors from retrieving wealth stolen from them during WW2, the loot hidden in Swiss Band Accounts.  Have the Nazis since the end of World War Two been plotting the destruction of Democracy in order to fulfill Hitler's dream, as laid out in his second book?  After the collapse of the old Soviet Union, did the Nazis hire Jihadists in order to attack Democracy and The West, specifically the United States?  I don't know, but Osama bin Laden's half-brother was a financier in Switzerland.  I'm aware we should avoid guilt by association, but still ...

The Swiss Nazis working on destroying the East Coast of America are the eco-green frogs and The Chinese Communists working on destroying the West Coast are the worker-red spiders.  Hey, I got this colored coded.     

Former President Jimmy Carter

1979 Jimmy Carter began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet invasion. Soviets justified their intervention in Afghanistan by asserting that they intended to fight against a secret involvement of the United States.  This has been hidden from the American people until ex-National Security Chief for President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzenzinski, admitted as much in an interview in 'Le Nouvel Observateur' (France), Jan. 15-21, 1996.

Brzezinski: "According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention."

Jimmy Carter started the war in Afghanistan that made Osama bin Laden's reputation.  Hey, I have an idea.  Let's give President Carter another Noble Prize for it.

Stupid White Mike

Here's a little something from page 6 of Michael Moore's book, 'Downsize This.'

'It is not pleasant when a homeless person actually knows you and calls out, "Hey, Mike!" as you are trying to walk quickly past him and his shopping cart.  This happened to me on 46th Street in New York City in front of the Paramount Hotel.  I was with a vice president of NBC and the producers of my show "TV Nation."  The homeless man grabbed my hand for a shake and told me he, too, was from Flint, Michigan, and now lives here on the street.'

'He wanted to describe his favorite part of Rodger & Me, which he had seen three years ago when he had a job.  The NBC executive couldn't believe what he was watching.  And I'm thinking, 'I know this guy!'

"You remember me, don't you?" he asked.  "I used to deliver your newspaper, the Flint Voice."'

'Why was it him standing there like that?  Why not me?  But for the grace of Warner Bros. and NBC?  I emptied my pockets and gave him everything I had.  We left him on the street and went inside, where I had a $30 steak.  The NBC suit had a salad.  My buddy from Flint was probably already guzzling his aptly named Colt. 45.'


We'll ignore the enmoumous crying towel Moore is blubbering into with his 'Why was it him standing there like that?  Why not me?'  There is something more important going on here.  To wit: is it only me or is there something completely unbelievable about this story?  

I mean, here we have this homeless guy in New York City who used to deliver newspapers in Flint, Michigan until he lost his job.  ('Your newspaper', The Flint Voice, was a newspaper Mike used to write for.  Or as Mr. Subliminial might say, "A newspaper Mike used to *cough con artist cough* write for.")  

So Michael Moore is telling us this guy couldn't find any other job in Flint, Michigan delivering newspapers or something at an equal skill level?  He couldn't find a job in any other city in Michigan such as Ann Harbor or Lansing or Detroit delivering newspapers or something at an equal skill level?  He couldn't find a job in any of the surrounding States, or any of the rest of the lower 48 States, or in Hawaii or Alaska or any American territories such as Guam or Puerto Rico, delivering newspapers or something at an equal skill level?  

No.  Michael Moore is telling us that this guy, who couldn't find a job in Michigan, somehow manages to get to New York City, center of publishing IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE, and still couldn't find a job delivering newspapers or something at an equal skill level?  And ends up homeless???  

It's no wonder the NBC executive 'couldn't believe what he was watching.'  I don't believe it either.

I'm not saying it didn't happen.  But it sure sounds like a big fat phony-baloney piece of staged BULLSHIT.

As P.T. Barnum famously observed: "There's a sucker born every mintue."  Just remember that the next time Michael Moore tells you he emptied his pockets right before going into a restaurant to have a thirty-dollar steak.

Ah misspoke

In August 1998, right before Bill Clinton ordered a missile strike into Afghanistan to hit Al Qeada training camps, he alerted the Pakistani Intelligence Service of what he intended to do.  Pakistan at the time was allied with the Taliban, and they alerted their friends in Afghanistan to what was going to happen.  Bin Laden escaped unharmed.  Tipped off?  You be the judge.

In April 2004, Bill Clinton appeared to have committed perjury before the 9/11 Commission and they didn't do anything.  He's captured on tape saying there was a 1996 deal with the Sudanese Government to arrest bin Laden.  But before the Commission he said there never was any deal.  When asked about the tape he said, "Ah misspoke.  Really."


Bull shit.

I once grabbed a copy of 'Living History' by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.  When I opened to the index the first name I turned to wasn't Monica Lewenski.  It was Suha Arafat.

"The worst instance came during an official visit to Israel in the fall of 1999, when I attended an event as First Lady with Suha Arafat, wife of the Palestinian leader.  Mrs. Arafat spoke before me in Arabic.  Listening to an Arabic-to-English translation through headphones, neither I nor other members of our delegation - including U.S. Embassy staff, Middle East experts and respected American Jewish leaders heard her outrageous remark suggesting that Israel had used poison gas to control Palestinians.  When I went to the podium moments later to deliver my remarks, Mrs. Arafat greeted me with an embrace, a traditional greeting.  Had I been aware of her hateful words, I would have denounced them on the spot.  The New York tabloids ran photos of me receiving a kiss on the cheek from Suha Arafat, with accompanying stories about her remarks."
                                          Hillary Clinton.  'Living History'. P. 509-510

Receiving a kiss?  On 11/11/99?  This pathological liar must think we're idiots.

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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

"Take this tub to Latvia."

What do I think?  I think it's a cloudy night and she stands somewhere on the Jersey shore in a wet suit and scuba mask, wearing air tanks and flippers. She checks the compass on her wrist, tunes into the homing beacon beeping through an earbud, then wades into the water and does a mile swim to a Russian sub sitting near the bottom.

The sub has a torpedo tube with the outer hatch open.  Ditching the tank and flippers and mask, she crawls into the tube then takes a piece of metal out from the sleeve of her wet suit.  She bangs on the innter hatch.  The outer hatch closes.  She pulls out the earbud and puts her fingers in her ears as air is forced in to drain the water from the tube.

This way US Navy sonar won't pick up the opening and closing of an air-lock.

The inner hatch is opened and she is pulled from the tube.  A Russian sailor hands her a cigarette and lights it for her.  Another Russian sailer hands her an open bottle of vodka and she grabs it and takes a full throated slug.  She hands the vodka back to the sailor, unzips her wet suit to give the boys some cleavage and starts walking towards the control room saying, "Take this tub to Latvia."

Hillary gets the Kevorkian-vote.

Date Created: 11/14/2007 8:35:00 AM
Posted Date: 11/14/2007 8:23:00 AM

In 1992 the Chinese Military didn't have missiles that could hit the US.  Right before Bill's reelection in 1994, and I remember this, Bill lifted restrictions on banned technology sales to The Chinese, specifically for guidance systems. 

At the time Bill's defenders where saying 'Oh, that's just for satellites.  You don't have to worry.'  Well, I worry a lot because Bill had this restaurateur buddy from Arkansas named Johnny Chung.  Johnny was laundering money from the Chinese government so it could get dropped into The Clinton reelection campaign.  There were other Chinese nationals involved in the same type of activity, and they all skipped the country one step ahead of congressional investigators.

Then a couple of years later, the United States military was on the same side as Al Qeada and other Jihadists in The Bosnian war.  

Bill Clinton approved shipments from Islamic Iran to Islamic radicals in Bosnia in 1994.  Rep. Benjamin Gilman, chairing a House International Relations Committee hearing about this, said the Clinton administration implemented a secret policy permitting Iran, "the world's leading terrorist state, a rogue state, to ship arms to Bosnia and thus gain a major foothold in the Balkans."  

By 1998 The Chinese had missiles that could hit the US.  It's called Chinagate and it's enough to make you sick.

Former President Bill Clinton - who's side is this guy on, anyway?  And we really want to elect his wife for President?  Sure we do.  If we're suicidal. 

Hillary gets the Kevorkian-vote.