Monday, December 31, 2018

YouTube Comment To Doug Hagmann of The Hagmann Report About Laura Loomer.

You are absolutely correct Doug - correlation does not always equal causation.  I happen to be a big fan of Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan and he warns us not to be fooled by randomness.  I always have that in mind.  So am I looking at randomness or something else?  I don't know.  We could start by asking Laura Loomer a simple question:  Gee Laura, Cesar Sayoc was arrested in Plantation Florida the day after you were in Plantation Florida.  How did you miss the biggest story of the prior week by instead going to Georgia and a Stacey Abrams rally?  Laura is in Plantation Florida on Oct. 25, and the very next day, Oct. 26, Cesar Sayoc, the faux bomber, is arrested in Plantation Florida.  My question is, with these two events so close together in time and space, what are the odds?  When I saw that in the news it blew my mind. 

So on Oct. 26, when I saw Sayoc had been arrested, I said of Laura, 'This girl's got a nose for news', and I Tweeted this to @LionelMedia @csthetruth @MeetThePress @LauraLoomer @JoeBiden @official_barak @SenSanders @HillaryClinton @BillClinton @realDonaldTrump and @boderek.  (Friend of The Bush family.  Long story.)   Anyway, I thought the Plantation Plantation coincidence was quite amazing.  And … I thought trouble was coming.  I really really did.  I even sent a Tweet to the @GWBLibrary ‏saying Mr. President, using a oil wildcatting metaphor, 'I think I've hit a gusher.'  Like I said, this is Oct. 26.

Oct. 27.  The Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting happened in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood.  I go to Squirrel Hill every day.  I live close.  On that Saturday a friend called me from a coffee shop in Squirrel Hill and alerted me to what had happened.  The first thing I thought of?  On Oct. 25 Laura had been asked to leave the Kol Ami synagogue in Plantation Fl.  What a coincidence!  What are the odds?  What are the odds of all this happening in a three-day period?  I can't count that high.

I've been a big critic of Laura on Twitter since June of this year when I stared following her Tweets.  So imagine how a big critic of Laura Loomer would feel when he has a mass shooting happen in his favorite neighborhood in a synagogue two days after Laura is ... kicked out of a synagogue.  This may be convoluted but I hope you haven't forgotten I was still reeling from the Plantation, Plantation coincidence.

I sent Laura a lot of Tweets about this while she was still on Twitter.  She ignored me.  I guess I'm not important enough to be answered.  Alt Media is really populist media and I find it funny how she sees no reason to respond.  Okay.  You probably know nothing about me Doug, but since 2002 I've been interested in the appearance of the number 11 popping up in terrorist attacks and mass shootings.  How many 11s can you find on 9/11?  I can find a bunch but that's another story.  That was then.  This is now.  11 dead in Squirrel Hill.  11 days later the Thousand Oaks Shooting, where 11 people were killed by the gunman, (the sheriff's sergeant was killed by friendly fire.)  Oh by the way, some of the people in that Thousand Oaks bar had survived The Las Vegas massacre.  It kind of comes full circle, doesn't it? 

Laura, Laura, Laura ... I don't want to get fooled by randomness here but I'm having a tough time of it.  Really, all I want is a comment from Laura about Oct. 25, 26, 27, Plantation, Plantation, Squirrel Hill.  What's going on here Laura?  Don't you see anything worth investigating?  Here's a speculation:  The FBI hates Laura's guts and waited until she was out of state to nab Sayoc, because her running around that investigation is one pain in the ass that they didn’t need.  What do Laura's 'sources' at the FBI tell her?  

And if anybody wants to dismiss me as a total nut-job, I'll make it easy for you.  I should've gone into 'My TV is talking directly to me' mode, ‘The Game of The Double Slash’ mode.  THEY are sending me a message: the next hit is in your backyard Mr. Death Cult No. 11.  I wish I'd gone there mentally.  I wish I had gotten on Twitter on Oct. 26 and started screaming 'Put Squirrel Hill on lock-down now!”  Who knows what might not have happened? 

Alex Tamsula  @AlexTamsula  on Twitter. 

Saturday, December 29, 2018

YouTube Comment To AcesWildMMA LV. The Las Vegas Shooting. The Story Thus Far.

Professional snipers who are honorable take pride in the 'one shot kill.' Not going to let the poor son of a bitch suffer. How many shots dead center in the forehead? More than two like in the Cullen video "Right in the Forehead! Yeah, That's Dead Center.." Las Vegas Shooting: LVMPD Bodycam EVIDENCE? Paddock Schmaddock wasn't a profession sniper. That's the work of the second shooter. Hoosier daddy? So the one shooter was just spraying the hose. He'd have to be an awfully strong motherfucker to keep those beaten zones so close together. (See Brian Shields' The Fuzzy Math of the Las Vegas Shooting for an explanation on what a 'beaten zone' is. Stretched forward kill oval basically. ) An AR-15 with a bump stock is a bucking bronco. The other shooter had to be a military trained sniper picking off some of the concert goers with precision while the first guy created havoc. If there are more than two dead center head shots, I'd say we know a little bit more about those two shooters than we did before.

I’m just trying to paint a picture here with everything I know. The story thus far and a tip of the hat to retired CIA station chief Brad Johnson for details other investigators haven't dwelt on: So we have two rooms, 134 and 135. Broken windows in both rooms. Room 134 and 135 had adjoining rooms and 134 had a dead bolt that could only be locked from the inside of 134. Room 135 also had a dead bolt on the front door and according to Johnson there are sensors in those dead bolts so we know when they were thrown. The bolt in 135 was first thrown about 9:30 and 134 was thrown not long after. Even if Paddock Schmaddock had locked 134 from the inside he couldn't have gotten back into 135. Okay, two shooters, a sniper in 134 and a machine gunner in 135. Johnson also talked about the hose we saw in the leaked photos. I always wondered about that myself. What was if for? 

Johnson says the hose was to be connected to a gas mask found in 135, the other end of the hose hanging out the window with a battery-operated fan. Looks as if the shooter in 135 was anticipating a breach to his room sooner rather than later and was ready for tear gas. This guy wanted to shoot it out with the cops but as we all know the breach didn't occur until 70 minutes later. Was this designed as a death trap for the cops? Might be a motive right there for the whole thing. 

The shooter in 134 leaves through the front door but where does he go? The fire door still has the bracket on it and wouldn't open.  He disappears into another room? Or maybe he's in a Metro police uniform and gets off that floor at ground level and acts as if he 'responding to an active shooter'. That's just a guess. Meanwhile our machine gunner gets tired of waiting for his big Wild Bunch shoot-out and ... this is in a Cullen video ... 'Is that somebody going down a zip line?' He's out of there leaving a body on the floor for everybody to fret over. All the media attention on 'Stephen Paddock' serves as the greatest distraction one can imagine for the killers to get away scott free. Still working the problem. Anybody see any flaws in this please let me know.

Oh, my bona fides? There was the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting in The Squirrel Hill neighborhood on Oct 27 and I live just outside of Pittsburgh. I drive down to Squirrel Hill just about every day to do banking and shopping and to hang out. My mother's family lived in the next neighborhood over and I've been going to Squirrel Hill since I was in diapers. So ... another lone wolf shooter?  Whatever you say, pal.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tales From The Rabbit Hole. The Human Nature Channel No. 6 That's A Nice Thong #RedPillBill

Welcome … to the human nature channel.  I’m you’re host Alex Tamsula and … what am I doing here?

Well what I’m doing here today is talking about the problem of identifying good broadcast journalism.  Just to be clear, I’m not setting this up as some type of good journalism versus bad journalism dichotomy, because the type of broadcast journalism I’m using as contrast isn’t technically bad work, but it’s a journalistic style I don’t particularly like, one where the questions are disguised as little speeches, where the goal of the interview is not to extract information or even establish an individual’s unique a point of view, but to signal an agenda.  I would rather step on a used Q-Tip on the ground than listen to propaganda disguised at journalism.

Now I happen to be a big fan of broadcast journalist Katie Couric.  I think she is really good at what she does.  I first became aware of Katie in the late nineties when I was still finding work doing computer aided drafting.  I’d get up at six in the morning, have my shower and breakfast.  Then at seven I’d be drinking coffee, and while waiting to leave for work in twenty minutes I’d watch The Today Show.

I always liked Katie’s style of broadcast journalism.  I remember the moment I realized just how good she was when I watched her coverage of The Columbine school shooing.  It was thoughtful and restrained.  You could see the look on Katie’s face that her heart went out to the survivors and family members who lost loved one.  However, she never let her emotions get in the way of doing the story; she never inserted herself into the story; never once did I feel Katie was exploiting the people of Littleton.  She did her work honestly and objectively.   

By way of difference let’s talk about Ann Curry, Katie’s colleague on Today.  Just for the record I want to say, even though I was never a big fan of Ann’s, I thought the way she was unceremoniously booted off Today was atrocious.  As if scapegoating her for the show’s poor ratings wasn’t bad enough, to give her the ‘don’t let the door hit you in the ass’ treatment after all the heavy lifting she did for Today, to not get the happy sent-off that Meredith Vieira received who had not been on Today for nearly half as long, made me sick.  I said to myself I’m through tuning in to this morning snake pit.    

However, there is the issue of Ann’s style of broadcasting.  The way I reacted positively to Katie’s way of doing business, the opposite was true with Ann.  She’d do something that is unfortunately all too common in the news bizz nowadays and it drives me nuts – she’d find a way to editorialize.  Sometimes it would be in the way she framed the question, or in her tone of voice, or the back and forth she’d have with the person she was interviewing, but it always came down to this – I knew what her politics where because she was selling it.  Ann, being a proud ‘progressive’, never missed an opportunity to drive the point home.

Now Katie and Matt may have been big liberals just like Ann.  In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if they gave their names and time and money to liberal causes.  But you never could tell that based on their reporting alone.  It was something I appreciated.  Not so with Ann.   

I remember onetime watching Ann as she was interviewing the black conservative columnist Shelby Steel, and he was saying things I’d heard other black conservative say before: Oh the Civil Rights movement has out-lived its usefulness, or that black communities need to focus more on self-reliance, ect, ect.  At that point Ann leaned back in her chair and said, “Oh c’mon.” 

Oh c’mon?  I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing, and apparently the absurdity of an Asian-American woman telling a black man how to be black just flew right over her head. (Whist).  Ann Curry editorializing to beat the band was not something I wanted to see.  If you’re a broadcast journalist your politics mean nothing to me.  Please keep it to yourself.  Why do you think voting is with secret ballots?  Because I don’t have to know.  

Now I don’t know if Ann’s style of journalism played any role in her departure, (I have my own theory as to what was really going on), but all I can say is Ann, where did all those group hugs get you?

Not long before Katie left Today she interviewed some guy.  I don’t even know who he was.  I was in the kitchen while this was going on and came into the living room at the tail end of the conversation.  The man said to Katie, “You’re very nice.”

For some reason Katie stiffened in her chair and said, “I’m not nice.  I’m honest.”  Whoa!  We just hit an iceberg.  Abandon ship!  I’m not exactly sure why Katie reacted the way she did.  Maybe she thought he was getting cute.  Or maybe he strayed into territory that demanded a quick response, especially on air.  I thought about what that meant and I’m speculating here, but Katie may have been saying hey, if you’re going to make me part of the story … it better be about one thing and one thing only – I did honest reporting.  Katie is not interested in hearing she’s perky, or she’s America’s sweetheart, or she’s a glamour pus.  That may all be true, and maybe even appreciated in a different context, but not when Katie is on the clock.  The story is not about her and she seemed particularly scrupulous about it.  When Katie is being a journalist, who she is … is not germane.  There’s a line she doesn’t want crossed and she’ll enforce it if you do.  At that moment I said to myself, ‘There’s a pro’.  

And Matt.  You poor bastard.  How many emails did I sent to Today back in the day, trying to warn you people over and over about how ruthless Hillary Clinton could be?  After that Commander In Chief Forum where you repeatedly pressed Hillary about her emails, she wanted your head and it looks like she got it.  I’d be surprised if this hasn’t crossed your mind already.  Hey silver fox, did you think I was talking out of my hat!

Now if you wish to debate this topic further please feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below which is where I’ll pick your brain apart neuron by neuron.  But it won’t be so bad.  Everyone gets a thumbs-up.    

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Okay I was watching the Today Show one time and Lisa Marie Presley was out in the plaza doing a song on the stage.  After she finished you could see her low rider jeans had slid down way far.  

Matt said, “That’s a nice song.”  

Al said, “That’s a nice thong.”  

Matt said, “I need this job.”  

Matt, Katie, Ann and Al.  That’s when Today was fun. 
