Thursday, January 24, 2019

YouTube Comment to Tim Pool. Who is doing rage bait?

Ban Blue Checks?  Never in a million years.  How does a person get a Blue Check anyway?  He or she has been mentioned in the media in some capacity, like a profile was written on them, and they acquire a shit load of Followers as a result.  I think that's how it works.  Twitter  'Followers' is a data base, personal information on people for Twitter to sell to advertisers.  Over on my Twitter page I don't discourage Followers, but I tell them in my pinned Tweet I'm not particularly interested in making a data base for Big Yech.  If I ever become famous it'll be because I did it the old fashioned way - be impossible to ignore.  

PS.  Laura Loomer is a special case.  Hers was egregious behavior over time.  She consistently showed disrespect for the institution of US House of Representatives.  Ambushing Maxine Watters INSIDE the Capitol?  Now Maxine is a dope but if you want to confront her, get her coming out of a Burgatory or something.  Don't do that in the Capitol Building.  Pitching a fit in front of the House Energy and Commerce Committee?  Go Rep. Billy Long.  Gimme 1 dollar bid now 2 now 2 will ya give me 2, 2 dollar bid now 3 now 3, will ya give me 3 dollar bid now 4 now 4, will ya give me a break and toss her ass out of here, please? 

Like it or not, Ilan Omar was a Representative-elect.  If I were Dorsey I would've said, "She's messing with Government directly now.  Enough of Laura."  It's a consistent pattern with her.  Jumping on Nancy Pelosi's lawn?  Do I have to go there?  (P.P.S.  It wouldn't surprise me if Nancy Pelosi herself phoned Jack Dorsey, Nancy representing his district, and saying, 'Give Laura the boot'.  Laura is/was targeting The US House.)  

Honestly Tim, did you follow Laura on Twitter?  Did you read her Tweets?  I did, everyday since last June when I started following her.  I was horrified at what she was saying.  Oh my God, the woman is bat-shit!  Okay ... dig this: If I said, "Nuff said", would you know what I was talking about?  Laura Tweets that phrase on a Sunday which would be a trending hashtag the next day Monday when the world learned Stan Lee had died, Stan having used the phrase a lot in his comic book editorials.  (I did get a screen shot of if with the Sunday date circled in red in case you'd like to see.)  Getting at the head of the line for the 'crawler software' because a little birdie told her Stan was nearing the end?  Fuck you, Laura you little ghoul. 

Or how about her indifference to the Uygurs, the Chinese Muslim minority being put into detention camps?  Seems to me a Jewish woman wouldn't want to see anybody put into detention camps.  Or how about what Laura did to Texas Republican Congressman Joe Barton, (leaked nude photos of him which he sexted to a girlfriend).  Laura should've been thrown in jail for that. 

Laura Loomer turns my stomach.  She's ruthless and answers to no one.  And no she shouldn't have been kicked off Twitter but I'm not blaming Jack for that. Remember David Seaman?  He got kicked off Twitter for constantly haranguing John Podesta over Pizzagate.  Bye Dave.  Anybody have a problem with him getting kicked off?  In the case of Laura vs Jack Dorsey, Laura aimed scorn at Oman, and Laura being and out-an-out self avowed Muslim hater ... hey, Jack has stock holders and he doesn't want to listen to them screaming.  I wouldn't either.  Laura Loomer was classic rage bait.  @AlexTamsula  on Twitter.  #RedPillBill

Saturday, January 12, 2019

YouTube Comment To Ten O'Fivepm

For all of you coincidence collectors out there, my New World College Dictionary defines a 'paddock' as 1. a small field or enclosure near a stable, in which horses are exercised 2. an enclosure at a racetrack, where horse are saddled 3. in Australia, an enclosed piece of land - to shut in a paddock.  That's a chin scratcher.  Australia again.  Anybody remember Brian Hodge?  

You've got to understand something about me.  I look at a broad range of terrorist attacks and mass shootings: Oklahoma City, 9/11, Aurora, San Bernardino, Pulse Night Club (did you know Omar Mateen is in the IMDB as having been 'associated with' some movies?) Las Vegas, Parkland, The Squirrel Hill synagogue shooting (11 dead), The Thousand Oaks Bar shooting (11 days after Sq. Hill. 11 killed by the gunman and a Sheriff's Sergeant shot by friendly fire making it 12 - that one makes me want to scream), and I sometimes wonder if the unseen hands, the designers of these attacks, plant Easter Eggs for people like us to find, like how many 11s can you find on 9/11?  I can find a few. 

So as we go on about events like The Las Vegas Shooting, The Corporate Mainstream Media can safely put us in The Conspiracy Theory paddock and shut the gate.  This all too neat by half for me.  Plus, if people want to call me a 'Conspiracy Theorist', I tell them I'm into Insufficiently Investigated Crimes and they can all go take a hike.   

@AlexTamsula on Twitter.  #RedPillBill 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Fancy That. Nancy That.

Aces.  Guess what?  Nancy Pelosi blocked me on Twitter.  The first day she bangs the gavel as Speaker of The House I get zapped.  I guess she doesn't want to hear about The Vegas Shooting and two rooms, two broken windows, two shooters.  It also looks like she doesn't want to hear about The Pittsburgh Squirrel Hill Synagogue shooting either.  The Department of Homeland Security visited Squirrel Hill in March of 2018 and did a 'site visit' of that Tree of Life Synagogue.  When I first heard this, I became so angry because in my mind this just makes matters worse.  What the hell kind of 'security' do you call this?  They might as well not have shown up at all.  What a farce.  What an insult!

This is a brick of Twitter address I've sent Tweets to:

@LionelMedia @csthetruth @SenSchumer @MeetThePress @NancyPelosi @JoeBiden @official_barak @SenSanders @HillaryClinton @BillClinton @realDonaldTrump @boderek @RepLizCheney

I got my reasons for why them but I've been giving these folks an ear full about Vegas and Squirrel Hill for a while now.  If you go to my Twitter page and look at one of these Tweets you'll notice everybody glows a nice blue except Nancy who is grayed out.

If you want get into the issue of censorship on Twitter, I could say there's your source.  (Nancy's congressional district includes San Francisco which is Twitter's and Jack Dorsey's home base.)   But my main point is this ... resistance to getting the true story of The Vegas Shooting out goes straight to the top.  We all knew this was true but there it is staring you straight in the face.

The Speaker of The United States House of Representatives, second in line in succession to The President, does not want to hear about Vegas.  Fancy that.  Nancy that!  We've got our work cut out for us buddy.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

One Helluva Hose

Brad Johnson, the retired CIA station chief now doing YouTube videos, had something very interesting to say about the long piece of hose found in Stephen Paddock’s room at The Mandalay Bay Hotel.  Do you remember seeing it in the pictures?  I do, and I always wondered what it was for.  According to Johnson, it was for attachment to a gas mask that was in the room.  So that Paddock-Schmaddock could breathe, the other end of the hose had a battery-operated fan and would hang out the window.  Whoever this psycho was, it seems to me he was anticipating taking a stand against any SWAT Team that came crashing through the door … and he planned on living to spend his money.

Before SWAT came into Room 135 they’d toss flash bangs, smoke grenades, tear gas.  And Sheriff Joe Lombardo did say Paddock Schmaddock did have an escape plan, although Sheriff Joe didn’t elaborate.  This plays into that John Cullen video where you can hear a woman saying, “Is that somebody going down a zip-line?”  Our 135 shooter sounds more and more like a mercenary every day.  Call me crazy but I don’t think this was his first rodeo.  This guy knew what he was doing.  This guy was a pro.

The merc gets on the ground and finally one of John Cullen’s helicopters does something useful and extricated him.  I know I’m reading a lot into the presence of this hose, but it sounds like one helluva hose.

I just had a brain fart: “Hello Interpol?  Alex here.  I'm fine.  How are you?  Yes, I was wondering if you could help me out on something.  What do you have on Serb mercs?  I looking for one with experience mowing down innocents in the Balkans back in the 1990s, specifically somebody who might be the same age and/or bears a passing physically to Paddock, somebody with a reputation for doing anything for money.  Yeah I’m fishing.  Yeah I’ll hold … “