Welcome to the
Human Nature Channel. I’m you’re host
Alex Tamsula and … what am I doing here?
Well what I’m doing her today is talking about two mass shooting that
occurred in recent memory. The Route 91
Harvest Festival massacre in Las Vegas on Oct. 1, 2017, and The Pittsburgh Synagogue
shooting on Oct. 27, 2018. How I
stumbled upon a mysterious link between these two events is the subject of this
First to Las
Vegas. Let’s begin our assignment
talking about a video from a woman named Stephanie who was at the Route 91
Festival and is someone who had been interviewed by Citizen Journalist Laura
Loomer and YouTuber Jason at Crowdsource The Truth. Stephanie with her smart phone captured on
video a woman at the Jason Aldeen concert falling to the deck of a veranda
after a single shot. This was before the
AR-15 bump-stock started spraying the crowd, and is visual proof that there was
at least one incident of sniping before the barrage.
Now professional
snipers trained by the military, and those who are honorable, take pride in the
‘one shot kill.’ Not going to let the
poor son of a bitch die a slow death by gut shot. I hope he’d show me the same consideration
when we’re out in the shit. Kind of a
code of honor. So how could we prove or
disprove a person like that was involved?
I’m trying to ascertain this by asking how many shots were dead center
in the forehead? More than two, like in
the John Cullen/John E. Hoover YouTube video entitled, “Right in the
Forehead! Yeah, That’s Dead Center … ” Las Vegas Shooting: LVMPD Bodycam EVIDENCE? Interesting, because there doesn’t seem to be
anything in identified shooter Stephen Paddock’s background suggesting he was trained as a
sniper. And if there were a consistent
pattern of shots to be found in those who were killed, that would lean in the
direction of a second shooter with a specialized set of skills.
Next let’s talk
about the rooms rented by our killer. As
a thought experiment, let’s take the two rooms, two broken windows, and a two
shooters hypothesis and find out if there’s any explanatory power in it.
The shooter in
room 135 was just spraying bullets, and he’d have to be an awfully strong mofo
to keep those beaten zones so close together.
(See YouTuber Brian Shields’ The Fuzzy Math of the Las Vegas Shooting,
for an explanation on what a ‘beaten zone’ is.
Basically, it’s a forward stretched oval kill-zone.
The recoil from
an AR-15 with a bump-stock bears a passing resemblance to handling a bucking
bronco, even more so than a fully automatic AR.
But I suppose if a person were physically strong enough, and trained
with this add-on that only a moron would use, maybe someone like that could
keep those ‘beaten zones’ close together.
A second shooter may be reveled by a myriad of small details I’ve picked
up from the many Las Vegas Shooting investigation videos I’ve watched,
specifically ones promoting evidence of a second person’s involvement. The door between adjoining rooms 135 and 134
could only be dead-bolted from the inside of room 134, FYI.
The second
individual, if he existed, would have to be a military trained sniper in order
to pick off concert goers with any kind of precision, this while the first guy
created havoc and maybe even cover for the sniper. ‘One shot kills’ are not easy to do. That takes skill. How many dead center forehead shots were
there? How many ‘one shot kills’?
According to
another John Cullen video titled The Jet Fuel Tanks, The Balloon and the Barret
50 caliber, 20 people were shot at the foot of the stage, and of those, 10 were
head shots. 6 were women, 4 were
men. And of the 58 people killed at the
concert, 20 were shot in the head. Is
that more than we could expect from a hard to control bump-stock on an
AR-15? Is that higher than we would
expect from just randomness.
There are
devices called ‘flash hiders’ on the market.
There is smokeless gunpower available for sale to ammo reloading
enthusiasts. Military snipers would know
ways of concealing muzzle flashes and smoke, possibly explaining why only vague
photographic evidence has yet surfaced of anybody firing from those
windows. And the flashes in room 135
captured in NBC News footage? Those were
actually the fire alarms going off after the room was breached, and that doesn’t
I’m trying to
create a picture here and this is my telling of events with the details I’ve seen
so far. And a fellow YouTuber’s tip of
the hat to retired CIA station Brad Johnson, who not only has highlighted
details other investigators haven’t focused on, but picks-up YouTube views even
slower than I do.
So, we have two
rooms, 134 and 135. Broken windows in
both rooms. As I said before, the door
between these adjoining rooms could only be dead-bolted from inside 134. Room 135 also had a dead bolt on the front
door, and according to Johnson there are sensors on those dead-bolts so we know
when they were thrown. The dead-bolt on
134 was thrown first at about 9:30 PM, and the 135 dead-bolt was thrown not
long after. If somebody had locked 134
from the inside, they couldn’t have gotten back into Room 135. Let that sink in.
Okay, two
shooters, a sniper in 134 and a machine gunner in 135. Johnson also talked about the hose that was
in the leaked photos. I saw that hose
too and I always wondered, what was it for?
According to
Johnson, the hose was to be connected to a gas mask found in room 135, the
other end of the hose hanging out the window with a battery-operated fan. Looks as if the shooter in 135 was
anticipating a breach to his room sooner rather than later, and was ready for
the tear gas and whatever came next.
Whoever this guy was, it still looked as if he planned on shooting it out
with the cops and maybe blowing them up as well.
As we all know
by now, the ad hoc team of officers responding to room 135 didn’t breach the
room until 70 minutes after the shooting stopped, a legitimate fear of the room
being rigged with explosives explaining their caution. So, was room 135 designed as a death trap for
the cops. Might be a motive right there,
if motive is really necessary. Want
another motive I just pulled out of my ass?
Ethnic cleansing. More on that
Or how about The
Las Vegas Shooting was perpetrated by hired mercenaries and engineered by foreign
business interests to bankrupt MGM Resorts through lawsuits, and buy up all it’s
properties at fire-sale prices? Naw,
that’s too simple. Sorry but my bias is
this: Everything is a rich man’s trick.
Of course, if you choose to believe this first time murderer killed more people than some guys who’ve been in combat, more power to you.
Back to our
story, inspired by true events. A
shooting in 134 would have to leave through his front door. But where does he go? The fire door to the stairwell still had that
weird L-shaped bracket drilled into the inside frame, and it wouldn’t open. Does our theorized shooter disappear into
another room? Or maybe he’s in a Metro
police officer’s uniform, gets off that floor and goes down to ground level where
he acts like he’s responding to an ‘active shooter’. Or he takes the elevator up to The Four
Seasons which is actually a separate hotel on the upper floors of Mandalay
Bay. Or he’s dressed as a maintenance
man in coveralls and wearing a cap and carrying an empty tool box. That would’ve worked too.
Meanwhile our
machine gunner gets tired of waiting around for his big Wild Bunch shoot-out,
or he’s informed the plans have changed.
What does he do? A suggestion
comes from another John Cullen video where a woman can be heard saying, “Is
that somebody going down a zip line?” Our
killer is outta there, Jack, leaving a body on the floor for everybody to fret
over, and all the media attention on Stephen Paddock serves as the greatest distraction
one could imagine. If nobody is looking
form them, the killer or killers get away.
I’m still working the problem. If
anybody see any flaws in this, I’m sure you’ll let me know.
Oh, my bona fides? There was the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting,
in The Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh on Oct. 27 2018, and I live
just outside the city. I drive down to
Squirrel Hill almost every day to do banking and shopping and to hang out with
friends. My mother’s family lived in the
next neighborhood over and I’ve been going to Squirrel Hills ever since I was
in diapers. Another lone-wolf
shooter? Whatever you say.
Part 2.
At this point, let’s take a little detour and talk about the lovely and talented Laura Loomer. You may know who she is, you may not. She bills herself as a citizen journalist and is a well-known ‘figure’ in alternative media news pod casts like the kind you find on … YouTube! She has also been interviewed by Sean Hannity on Fox News, and has received a couple of shout-outs from Rush Limbaugh, two conservative media figures who appear amused by her antics. Mainstream media, if they notice her at all, label her a member of the Alt-Right, although she really isn’t. She’s been called a ‘conspiracy theorist’ by the same outlets, although she really isn’t that either, save for her coverage of The Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest Festival massacre, where she has accused the Las Vegas Metro Police Department of a cover-up of what she believes, with some reason, to be an ISIS attack. Which does not seem to bother Hannity or Limbaugh, both known for being dismissive of ‘conspiracy theorists.’
No, what Laura is,
is a rising star in alternative media circles, and maybe the break-out star to
cross-over into the mainstream as a sort of a neo-Ann Coulter, this time on
steroids, amphetamines, and some hallucinogenic- brew cooked-up by a South
American Shaman … and swallowed in one gulp.
For our purposes
here, I’m just going to run down some of her more noteworthy achievements and a
fourth honorary mention in a class all by itself.
Wikipedia, we see on June 16, 2017,
Laura was arrested for disorderly conduct and trespass after jumping on stage during
a performance of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare In The Park, in New York City. She was expressing her disapproval of doomed Caesar
being played by a Donald Trump look-a-like.
Laura doesn’t seem to know, or care, that productions of Julius Caesar in
the past by Shakespeare In The Park have used actors made-up to look like the
current President, as Caesar. That’s a tradition. But it did get her on Fox News in the aforementioned
interview with Hannity.
We also see on
September 5, 2018, Laura, while seated in the audience at a House Energy and
Commerce Committee hearing on Capitol Hill, jumped up with her smart phone on a
selfie stick and disrupted the proceedings by accusing Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey,
giving testimony at that moment, of censoring conservatives on Twitter and lying
about it under oath. Missouri Republican
Rep. Billy Long, a former auctioneer began … a 1 dollar bid now 2 now 2, will ya
give me 2, 2 dollar bid now 3 now 3, will ya give me 3 dollar bid now 4 now 4 …
and Rep. Long kept this up as Laura was escorted … out of the building.
Then on November
29, 2018, Loomer was banned from Twitter for singling out a newly elected member
of the House of Representatives, Ilhan Omar, in a Tweet because Laura is anti-Sharia
Law. A week later, Laura handcuffed herself
to the front door of Twitter headquarters in New York City in protest of her account
being deactivated, this while wearing the Nazi mandated yellow Star of David which
in Germany in the 1930s Jews were forced to wear.
Despite a fondness
for handcuffs, Laura still manages to get around. Here is a pre-nose job Laura getting selfies
with former President Bill Clinton. And
is that Alex Soros in the background?
Small world, isn’t it?
Here is another
picture of Laura, post nose job, at Politicon in Los Angeles last summer, where
she confronted Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avanatti, which turned into a
Twitter back and forth between Laura and Avanatti, where she accused the lawyer
of fat-shaming her in a Tweet. And here
is a photograph of the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, courtesy of the Hubble telescope.
No, I’m not
above a cheap shot. Although to be fair,
if I were confronting a lawyer representing a porn star, I’d wear a sleeveless red
skin-tight mini dress, too.
on Oct. 25, 2018, Andrew Gillum, Mayor of Tallahassee Florida and the Democratic
nominee in the 2018 election for Florida’s Governor, was holding a political
rally in the Kol Ami Synagogue in Plantation Florida. Laura, who is Jewish, showed up to cover the
rally inside the synagogue, and was asked to leave because her reputation
precedes her. What followed next was
Laura pitching something of a fit as she exited the building.
Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she won … der … ful? (Harmonica.) Makes you Wonder, doesn’t it? I’m a Catholic, see, and let’s say I got
kicked out of a bingo game in the basement of a Catholic church because I’m a
really sore loser. Could I start accusing
the people running the bingo game of being … Anti Papists? Would they look at me as if I just grew a
second head?
Anyway, ladies
and gentlemen, that was our brief intro into the wild and crazy world of Laura
Loomer. Now let’s get into the real
wing-nut stuff.
First and foremost,
I must assert, that correlation does not always equal causation. I happen to be a big fan of Nassim Nicholas
Taleb, author of The Black Swan and Fooled by Randomness and other books where he
warns us not to be ... fooled by randomness. I always try to keep that in mind. So, I’m wondering if I’m looking at
randomness here or something else? I
don't know. Let’s look together, shall
We could start
by asking Laura Loomer a question: Gee
Laura, Cesar Sayoc, the faux bomber who created a lot of fear lasting over a
week, with his delivered packages to prominent Democrats, billionaire George
Sorros among them, was arrested in Plantation Florida on Oct. 26, 2018, the day
after you were kicked out of the synagogue in … Plantation Florida. How did you miss the biggest story of the week
prior by instead going to Georgia and a Stacey Abrams rally?
This is what
gets me. With Laura’s visit to Plantation
Fl one day, and Cesar Sayoc’s arrest in Plantation Fl the next, events so close
together in time and space, what are the odds?
When I saw Sayoc’s arrest on the news it blew my mind. I said of Laura, 'This girl's got a nose for news',
and I Tweeted this to @LionelMedia @csthetruth @MeetThePress @LauraLoomer @JoeBiden
@official_barak @SenSanders @HillaryClinton @BillClinton @realDonaldTrump and
@boderek. (Friend of The Bush family. Long story.)
Anyway, I
thought the Plantation Plantation coincidence was pretty amazing. And I thought something was wrong. I really did.
I felt there was some kind of escalation going on and I even sent a Tweet
to the @GWBLibrary saying to President George W. Bush, using an oil wildcatting
metaphor, 'I think I've hit a gusher.’
Like I said, this is Oct. 26.
Oct. 27, 2018, The
Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting happened in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of
Pittsburgh. Like I said, I go to Squirrel
Hill every day. On that Saturday a friend
of mine called me from a coffee shop in Squirrel Hill and alerted me to what
had happened. The first thing I thought
of? Oct. 25 Laura had been asked to
leave the Kol Ami synagogue in Plantation Fl.
What a coincidence. What are the
odds? What are the odds of all this happening
in a three-day span? I can't count that
I've been a big
critic of Laura Loomer on Twitter since June of 2018, when I started following
her Tweets. So, imagine how a big critic
of Laura Loomer like myself would feel when he has a mass shooting happen in his
favorite neighborhood in a synagogue two days after Laura Loomer is kicked out
of a synagogue. This may be convoluted
but I hope you haven't forgotten I was still reeling from the Plantation, Plantation
I sent Laura a
lot of Tweets about this while she was still on Twitter. She ignored me. I guess I'm not important enough to be answered. Alternative Media is really a populist media,
and I find it funny how she sees no reason to respond. Okay.
All of you
watching this probably don’t know a great deal about me, but since 2002 I've
been interested in the appearance of the number 11 popping up in terrorist attacks
and mass shootings. How many 11s can you
find on 9/11? I can find some, but that
was then. Now? 11 dead in Squirrel Hill. 11 days later, the Thousand Oaks California Shooting
where 11 people were killed by the gunman, (the sheriff's sergeant was killed
by friendly fire.) Oh, by the way, some
of the people in that Thousand Oaks bar had survived The Las Vegas Route 91 Massacre,
and one was killed. It does kind of come
full circle doesn't it?
Laura, Laura,
Laura ... I don't want to get fooled by randomness, but I'm having a tough time
of it. Really, all I want is a comment
from Laura about Oct. 25, 26, 27, Plantation, Plantation, Squirrel Hill. What's going on here, Laura?
She often calls
herself an investigative journalist, yet she doesn’t see anything worth investigating
here? Here's a speculation: Because of her Las Vegas Route 91 coverage, the
FBI hates her guts, and waited until she was out of state to nab Sayoc, because
her running around that investigation is one pain in the ass they didn’t need. What do Laura's 'sources' at the FBI tell her?
And if anybody wants
to dismiss me as a total nut-job, I'll make it easy for you. I should've gone into my … 'My TV is talking directly
to me’ mode, ‘The Game of The Double Slash’ mode. MK Ultra mode. THEY are sending me a message: the next hit
is in your backyard, Mr. Death Cult No. 11. I wish I had gone there mentally. I wish I had gone nuts and gotten on Twitter
on Oct. 26 and started screaming 'Put Squirrel Hill on lock-down now!” Who knows what might not have happened? With all this on the table before me tell me,
what am I supposed to think?
Also, as an
addendum, adding insult to injury, The Department of Homeland Security did a
sight visit of The Tree of Life Synagogue in March of 2018, almost nine months
before the shooting. They were in
Squirrel Hill in March, and in October we have 11 dead. Oh, I’m angry. It would’ve have been better if DHS had never
shown up at all. You call this security?
(Tree of Life pic.)
Anyway, back to
Las Vegas, and let’s weave this all into something like out of a Brad Thor
Let’s return to the hose and
gas mask I mentioned earlier, found in Stephen Paddock’s hotel room at The Mandalay
Bay. Whoever this psycho was, it seems like
he was anticipating taking a stand against any SWAT Team that came crashing
through the door … and he planned on living to spend his money?
Before SWAT would storm into
Room 135, they’d toss flash bangs, smoke grenades, tear gas. And Sheriff Joe Lombardo of the LVMPD did say
Paddock Schmaddock had an escape plan, although Sheriff Joe didn’t elaborate. (Final three-page FBI report on the Las Vegas
shooting contradicts this, FYI.)
But the notion of an ‘escape
plan’ plays into the … “Is that somebody going down a zip-line?” statement from
The John Cullen video. Our Room 135 shooter
sounds more and more like a mercenary to me every day. Call me crazy, but I don’t think this was our
shooter’s first rodeo. This guy knew what
he was doing. This guy was a pro.
The merc gets on the ground
and finally one of John Cullen’s helicopters does something useful and extricates
him. I know I’m reading a lot into the presence
of a hose, but it looks like one helluva hose.
The Las Vegas Shooting. Does this look like the work of a first timer
to you? If you wish to argue any of the
points I’ve made, feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below where
I’ll cook you in a big iron pot and eat you for lunch. But if you taste good, I’ll give you a
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Hey, I just had a brain fart. Gimme a sec.
“Hello Interpol? This is Alex. How you doing? Yeah … what do you have on Serb mercenaries? I looking for ones with experience mowing down
innocents, like in the Balkans back in the 1990s, specifically someone who might
be the same age and/or bears a passing to Stephen Paddock. Somebody with a reputation for doing anything for
money. Someone with a reputation for
doing anything. Yeah I’m fishing. Yeah, I’ll hold … ”
@AlexTamsula on Twitter. #RedPillBill
@AlexTamsula on Twitter. #RedPillBill