Monday, February 27, 2017

You may not like Zionism, but ...

You may not like Zionism, but I can't support people who make a hero out of a pederast like Yasir Arafat. An Egyptian with a taste for young boys who got his start selling sports cars in Kuwait, Arafat switched over to blowing up Aristole Onassis's airplanes because there's more money in terrorism. (Onassis paid off Black September to stop). Cold War artifact Arafat was a total KGB creation and besides, there's no such thing as The Palestinian People anyway. Until 1970 they were Jordanians until a million of them were expelled one step ahead of a coup. And guess where they all went? And guess who set up a Revolutionary Council and got money from the old Soviet system to stir up trouble? Arafat would meet his KGB handler in Bucharest and used to brag he was the father of the airplane highjacking. Your average Zionist is a sweetheart compared to this greasy rat, IMHO. Source: Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, Red Horizons.

clintonsvisitarafat1-300x219.jpg (300×219)

So you really think Al Qeada was behind 9/11, huh?  I'd be coked up too if I were Bill.

Friday, February 24, 2017

People in my flashes are clothed

On those rare occasions I get a visual flash on something, I don't see it through the other person's eyes. Believe it or not, I see it through their skin. My brain is an image converter and I remember one time imagining this womans's naked butt up-close. On her right rumpcheek was the shadow of a hand. Execept it wasn't a shadow. It was actually the hand. There has to be space between bodies for this to work; if there is skin to skin contact then all I see is black. My guess is it has something to do with the electrical field surrounding the body - more often than not the people in my flashes are clothed.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Ladies and Gentlemen.  Mr. Tony Soprano

latest (322×300)

People ... who need people
Are da luckiest people ... in the woild, 
We're childran, needing udder childran
And yet letting our grown-up pride
Hide all the need inside, 
Actin' more ... like 
Den child ... ran.
Lovers ... are very special people, 
Der da luckiest people
In ... da woild.
Wit one poisun, one very special 
A feelin'
 deep in yer soul
Says you were half, 
Now you're whole.
No more hunger and thoist
But foist ... be a person
Who needs people.
People ... who need people
Are da luckiest people
In da woild. 

With one poisun, one very special 
A feelin' deep in yer soul
Says you were half, 
Now you're whole. 

No more hunger and thoist
But foist ... be a person
Who needs ... people.

People who need ... people
Are da luckiest people
In ... da ... woillllllld!

Yah. I Got Trolled

I am not a Conspiracy Theorist. I am a Conspiracy Witness. You are a Conpiracy Witness too, Dave ol' boy. Welcome to The Club.

is that why learning analytical thinking reduces conspiracy thinking?

Yah. I got trolled. And I got trolled by somebody trying to sell me some expensive psychology journal, I guess. (Something I'll bet he or she hasn't even read). Okay smart person, here's how I deal with the likes you: Abraham Lincoln's assassation was a 'conspiracy'. Bin Laden and Co., we are told, plotted 9/11 for six years and that's a 'conspiracy' (the one the government ask us to believe.) The DoJ indicts people for 'conspiracy' all the time. A 'conspiracy' is simply a crime planned in secret, something investigative journalists love. So when the abstract for this highbrow stroke book says, 'we found that an alternative method of eliciting analytic thinking, which related to cognitive disfluency, was effective at reducing conspiracist ideation in a student sample' all I hear is 'scientism' (an unquestioning belief that science will always make our lives better) and my $39.95 is staying right here in my wallet.

+Alex Tamsula disagreement is not trolling look up the definition. sorry how am I trying to sell something? here's where I explain how how you are conflating things that don't relate those have evidence pizzagate doesn't. scientism is what people say when they are ignorant of what science is try harder there. yeah the cost is for if you want to look at the details and it gives you options for not paying if you looked. and if you are keen to read you should read this and maybe you should read this book notice the different definitions between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory?

Disagreement is not trolling. Shoving some link my way and implying I'm not an analytic thinker when you don't know a thing about me, is trolling. Going to some YouTube channel only to suggest people like me and David Seaman are in need of psychological adjustment, is trolling. And being an illiterate with a superior attitude where you don't even give a rat's ass what we have to say, and you only want to show us the error of our ways, is trolling. So please, don't explain how how I'm conflating things that don't relate to those have evidence pizzagate doesn't. I have no time for people who write sentences which don't make any sense. Besides, why are you even here? Wasting your time doesn't sound like analytic thinking to me. Unless you are ... trolling.

+Alex Tamsula exactly how does one shove a link? I never said you were not a analytical thinker and don't forget offense is taken not given the other way is SJW territory. again that is not trolling look up the definition. did I say you and david need psychological adjustment or are you being sensitive? yeah I have dysgraphia and you are reading into what I said not reading what I said. you are talking now and I am listening I have heard the evidence for pizzagate and it is based on misinformation an lies do you want me to go through them? no that is not trolling and if I had a wrong belief I would want someone to tell me so I can correct it are you against corrections? there is evidence for one set of claims (the first things you mentioned) but not for pizzagate it is a short but sweet sentence that is perfectly coherent. again are you against correcting false information?

Dysgraphia is defined as 'inability to write coherently, as a symptom of brain disease or damage.' Look up the definition.

Editor's Note: And that as they say, was that.

Everything Happens to Me

About a week before the bin Laden raid, #Criswell The Psychic got a flash from inside The Situation Room. I saw Hillary in a yellow jacket and heard her say, " ... when bin Laden is in our custody ... " Usually I posted stuff like this on my old blog, but this one time I kept my mouth shut. Funny how this video brought that memory back.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Voter ED


Yesterday I went to the polling place in my hometown of Blairsville Pa where I'm still registered to vote. It was The Chestnut Hills Civic Center and I walked towards the glass doors.  I went in past two guys shooting pool and headed towards the back. I stepped into the voting room where behind a folding table sat Edna Labumpski, a woman from my high school class.   I walked up to her table.  

"Edna!" I said.

Edna looked up and smiled. "Well, well, if it isn't The World Greatest Psychic. Long time no see, Alex. How are you?"

"I'm doing great, Edna. How about you?"

"Good. Here to vote, I see."

"You bet."

"May I see some identification?"

I reached around to my back pocket, pulled out my wallet and took out my debit card. I showed it too her.  "It's got my name on it," I said.

Edna frowned. "Sorry Alex, but that's not a valid ID. You could have stolen it. Do you have something else?"

"We went to high school together."

"I know but I don't make the rules. I have to ask for ID but you don't have to show me one if you don't want to if that make any sense."

"Perfect sense. I'm all for honest elections."

"Good. So how about a driver's license?"

"I rode in on a mule."  I put my debit card back into the wallet and took out my Giant Eagle Advantage card. I showed that to Edna.

"Sorry. That doesn't even have your name on it. Besides you could have stolen that too."

Miffed I put 
the Advantage card away. After returning the wallet to my back pocket I reached into my coat's inner pocket and took out the lease to my apartment and unfolded it. The document was signed at the bottom and I held it infront of her.

"My signature is on it," I said.

"That's good. And now all I have to do is confirm that signature is yours. May I see some identification?"

"Okay, let's try this," I said.  I put my lease back inside my coat pocket and again reached back for my wallet. I opened it, took out a baby picture of me on a fuzzy rug and held the picture to the side of my face. "What do you think?"

"You carry a baby picture of yourself?" said Edna.

"Wouldn't carry a picture of myself if it wasn't me, would I?"

"You got me there. But you still haven't shown me the type of ID the law requires."

"Allright," I said. I put the picture down of Edna's desk.  Then with both hands I reached into the pockets of my coat and pulled out two bronzed baby shoes. I put the shoes on Edna's desk, pointed at the picture and said, "I'm wearing those shoes."

Edna looked at me sadly. "We could always scan the microchip inside your head."

"No. No need to pull out all that equipment," I said. "I got one more thing." I reached behind and from up under my sweatshirt grabbed the dental X-Ray records scotch-taped to my back. I pulled them free and held them up under my chin and I smiled.

"All right, that works," said Edna. "Sign right here on this sheet Mr. Tamsula. And here's your ballot."

"Whew," I said. "I almost became a disenfranchised voter. We can't have that.  
Do I sign this?"

"No, Alex. That would kind of defeat the purpose of a secret ballot. Just stick it in the scanner and have a nice day." 

Monday, February 20, 2017

From China Support Network
China Finances Al-Qaeda:
China e-Lobby
Update of May 5, 2004
D.J. McGuire, Editor in Chief


Al Qaeda "is financing its worldwide terror operations by investing in blue-chip Australian stocks with the assistance of Beijing's powerful Secret Intelligence Service" (World Net Daily). The intelligence group from the People's Republic is also involved in drug deals with Osama bin Laden's terrorist group; which is the original source of the money.

Brain McAdam, a Canadian investigator who helped the FBI find thousands of Communist front organizations in North America, (see 8/20/03 Update) said of the money involved, "We are talking of billions of dollars." The fronts he found include "major players on Wall Street" (The News, Australia), and some "are linked to al-Qaeda through its investments."

Also fingering Communist China is Xu Junping, a former PRC Colonel who "for five years oversaw all secret CSIS operations against the West," before defecting to the U.S. in 2000 (see 3/28/01 Update). Xu "has described Beijing meetings with Osama bin Laden in 2000, during which the investment plan was discussed."

Communist China's links to al Qaeda, while not very well known, go back to at least the 1990s, (1998) when the PRC paid up to $10 million for unexploded American cruise missiles the terrorist group recovered in Afghanistan. Communist China has also allowed a piece of Pakistan it controls to be an al Qaeda haven (see 10/24/01 and 8/14/02 Updates).

Thursday, February 16, 2017

So General Michael Flynn, President Trump's former National Security Advisor, has been hounded from his job by a small army of transparent flacks who've escaped from their pens to accuse the General of being in violation of The Logan Act, a 1799 law that prohibits private US citizens from negotiating with foreign governments, a law for which no one has ever been prosecuted.  And for good reason - it's a 'law' that has been violated or ignored with impunity in a number of famous cases with no penalties ever assessed.

There was then Presidential candidate and private citizen Richard Nixon in 1968 having Anna Chennault, 'a Republican doyenne and Nixon fund-raiser, and a member of the pro-nationalist China lobby' messaging South Vietnamese president Nguyen Van Thieu that South Vietnam would get a better peace deal if Nixon were President, a story that dogged Nixon for years and one he whole heartedly denied many times.  (Since there are three sides to every story, here's a version that doesn't see Nixon guilty of treason.)

Then there's another story where the violation of the Logan Act is cloaked in the guise of humanitarianism when private citizens Bill Clinton and Al Gore negotiated the release of two journalists, Laura Ling and Euna Leedetained by The North Koreans and sentenced to twelve years hard labor for their illegal entry into the country.  (And undocumented immigrants coming into America think they've got it tough.)

Interestingly, Laura and Euna were in North Korea investigating human trafficking. Say 'cheese.'   Attention David Seaman.

Personally I would have held on to Gen. Flynn simply because I don't like being pushed around by a bunch of scam artists up to their ears in hypocrisy with their pillorying.  But ... I can see why the Administration decided to let him go.  He would have been a source of endless distraction with the evening news every night having a split-screen of him going from place to place contrasted with Congressional Democrats demonstrating once again how nobody is better at wasting Government time and money getting to the bottom of a non-story.  (The FBI has said Gen. Flynn did not lie to them and hadn't broken any laws so let's hold our piss ant hearings anyway ... and the evening news will pay scant attention to us.)

What does this have to do with the Deep State?  As open source investigator James Corbett said in a recent video, the Deep State is run by the people who are listening in to our converstations, and since this is all about the intelligence community listening in on Gen. Flynn's phone call with the Russian Ambassador ... there you have it.

It's beginning to seem like Congressional Democrats have turned into a bunch spear clutching cannibal pygmies dancing around President Trump as he sits cooking in an iron pot.  And this is what I'm afraid of - President Trump is too nice of a guy for Washington.  Sure he's dominated the NYC real estate scene and reality television and was good at throwing elbows when he had to but ... this isn't that.  This is a whole different game.  What I think he needs is a real son of a bitch bastard asshole to unpack what the Congressional Democrats are up to and call them on it in no uncertain terms.

Am I volunteering for the job?  Let's just say they know where to find me.  @AlexTamsula

Seems like a good time to tell this story. The last week of September 2001, Monday, I was grabbing my apartment’s doorknob to leave when I thought of a weird character who had befriended me a year and a half before - Joe Tamboola.  It suddenly hit me: that had to be a phony name.  I returned home later that evening and went online and looked at phone directories from numerous cities - San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles … I couldn’t find the name Tamboola anywhere.  Tuesday I sent a letter to the FBI, via the Pittsburgh Post Gazette (“Please forward this to the FBI”).  The idea, so soon after 9/11, was that if you see something suspicious, say something.  So I told the FBI I knew a man who had used a phony name on me and I didn’t know why.  I wanted somebody to see info this besides the Feds. 

Thursday afternoon I’m in my bedroom when I got hit with something so hard it knocked me to the bed.  Semi-conscious, eyes closed, I saw a bright white star in a field of Union Blue.  The star did a cinematic lapse-dissolved; while in my vision’s lower-left a smaller star did a fade-in.  I marveled.  Since when do dreams do fade-ins? Dreams bleed meaning around the edges, but this was crisp.  Obviously done on editing equipment. First coherent thought was whatever I said about Joe Tamboola, it must have leaked

Pinned-down by the vividness, I couldn’t lift my eyelids.  Then the smaller star turned partly sideways and did this trippy little number going up and down, up and down, over and over, making my right nut jump like crazy.  My intuition screamed Move! and I rolled left and avoided a flash powerful enough to be seen in the corner of my eye.  Although groggy I had say, “How do they do that?” 

They?  My take-away - it’s not that hard to manufacture a mass shooter.  Sort of a Parallax View 2.0.

Get right on the inside?  The Deep State can take that away from you too.  Surprise, surprise. @AlexTamsula