You may not like Zionism, but I can't support people who make a hero out of a pederast like Yasir Arafat. An Egyptian with a taste for young boys who got his start selling sports cars in Kuwait, Arafat switched over to blowing up Aristole Onassis's airplanes because there's more money in terrorism. (Onassis paid off Black September to stop). Cold War artifact Arafat was a total KGB creation and besides, there's no such thing as The Palestinian People anyway. Until 1970 they were Jordanians until a million of them were expelled one step ahead of a coup. And guess where they all went? And guess who set up a Revolutionary Council and got money from the old Soviet system to stir up trouble? Arafat would meet his KGB handler in Bucharest and used to brag he was the father of the airplane highjacking. Your average Zionist is a sweetheart compared to this greasy rat, IMHO. Source: Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, Red Horizons.
So you really think Al Qeada was behind 9/11, huh? I'd be coked up too if I were Bill.